Platinum Dragon Species in Pronathea | World Anvil

Platinum Dragon

"They are the sort of beings that make you question the nature of wealth, for while they hoard treasures, their greatest treasure seems to be wisdom. And, as any fool knows, wisdom is a weighty thing to carry, heavier than the most laden chest of gold. These dragons, with their shiny scales, remind us that not all that glitters is gold; sometimes it's a dragon, and sometimes it's just a very reflective thought."
— Unknown


  Found across the Eight Lands at secluded points where the mystical becomes almost tangible, platinum dragons have an imposing yet graceful presence.   Their scales almost glow with radiance in the light, offering a nearly mirror-like shine despite their rough luster. Their movements are gentle, barely disturbing the surface they stand on. Their wings comfortably stretch out from their body in flight and almost appearing to ride the light instead of the air.   Their eyes are soft and gentle, holding a calm gaze no matter the situation they might be in. Their roar, however, is deep and resonating. Though it's rarely used by these dragons, the sound they create when they roar forces a sensation of the sound vibrating through ones body instead of simply being heard by oneself.  


  It isn't known what platinum dragons eat, it's not even known if they do eat. What is known, however, is that their place amongst the world is singular in purpose, seeming to enhance and protect the environment around where they call their home.   This enhancement continues even when the dragon that occupied it is no longer, almost as if their presence gave permission for that place to flourish. Trees grow taller and more lush, fruit grows more and tastes better, and animals enjoy their bettered home with glee, often seeing it become a safe place for them to rest their heads.   Encountering a platinum dragon is not particularly rare, but it is uncommon, and often quite memorable. A conversation with these dragons offers a rare insight into the world itself, connecting the conversationalist with aspects of the Eight Lands that they may well have never quite noticed before their encounter.


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Dec 31, 2023 22:33 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

They sound pretty. I would love to have a chat with one of them.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jan 1, 2024 02:55 by Andrew

Good news, I've just received a letter from one of them saying that they'd love to have a chat with you as well! Strange though, I don't remember giving them my address... Or telling them I even exist...