Sandwyrm Dragon Species in Pronathea | World Anvil

Sandwyrm Dragon

"Don't move."
"What? Why not?"
"Because this isn't a sand dune."
"We've been here three hours, of course it's a sand dune."
"Sand dunes don't have heads that look like sandwyrms, you cabbage!"
— Unknown

The Beating Sun

  Burrowing through the sands of the deserts across the Eight Lands, someone might find themselves set upon by creatures they wished never to see. Though their visage is not one that is particularly terrifying by itself, the sheer act of stumbling upon their existence is something that one may never forget in their entire lifetime. Their sharp eyes and rocky scales peering out through the sands would be enough to make someone scream in terror, but when they unfurl their sandy wings and push themselves out of the dunes to their full height, one would be forgiven for soiling themself.   Though their wings are not capable of sustaining flight, they are capable of catching the wind and functioning as sails. With their tails being used as rudders, sandwyrm dragons skim across the surface of the sand with the same grace and ease as an ice skater. Their thick claws act to slow themselves in an instant, though usually they simply furl their wings back up and let themselves come to a stop naturally.  

The Battered Sands

  Sandwyrm dragons are not vicious creatures and are quite solitary. They are very intelligent and, while they are capable of speech, elect to stay away from most mortals, seeing them as a danger that isn't worth engaging with unless the mortals have either proven themselves to be non-hostile or are simply not able to act in a way that would reasonably harm them.   Because of this, sandwyrms may aid those lost in the dunes of the Eight Lands. This could be due to wanting new information about the mortals nearby or simply because they feel like being kind. Very few have ever lived within the borders of a town or city for any length of time, and those who have were brought as friends and allies after a lengthy discussion as to whether or not an actual dragon should be allowed to stay within their walls.


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Dec 26, 2023 14:33 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love them. I would definitely pee myself if one popped out of the sand, but I love them.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Dec 26, 2023 14:41 by Andrew

I have to ask   Is it the sailing part?

Dec 26, 2023 14:45 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I do love the sailing part. But I think my favourite bit is that they aid travellers. :)

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Dec 26, 2023 14:55 by Andrew

They're nice like that :)