Shieldbeak Species in Pronathea | World Anvil


"What do you mean it broke the tree?.... No, I am aware of the literal definition, I mean how did it break the tree?.... Really?!"
— A disgruntled tree owner

Bumper Trees

  Known for their tendency to run headfirst into objects that appear sturdy enough to withstand it, shieldbeaks are gentle creatures. While they aren't a common bird, they offer some benefits to their ownership, namely their speed and willingness to run for hours.   They are tall, flightless, and covered in an almost velvet-like shroud of feathers over their body and neck. These feathers plume up along the back of their head, stopping at a bare dome in their skull which they continue to harden over their lives by utilizing their most well known attribute; speed. By ramming their heads into objects at high speeds, they repeatedly cause minute fractures in their dome, which then heal and become stronger.  


  Born from nests of several eggs at a time, shieldbeaks grow quickly, reaching maturity just six months after hatching. Shieldbeaks make their nests in the roots of trees, using the natural curves of the roots to form its shell which is then piled carefully with small sticks, moss, and other soft materials.   Shieldbeaks live in family groups, only removing themselves from their parental group after they have found their own mate, but due to their non-territorial instincts several groups can live together in the same area rather harmoniously.   They are relatively easy to tame and use as a mount, however their rarity and their speed makes them prized possessions despite the upkeep required to own one. Shieldbeaks require a large open field to graze in, as well as several thick, sturdy trees or similar objects to ram into, otherwise their domes will slowly degrade and soften. Should their domes soften, they risk causing severe brain injuries to themselves the next time they ram themselves into something.
Up to 30 years
Average Height
2 to 3 meters
Average Weight
300 to 350lbs


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Dec 6, 2021 13:51

I want one, I want two, I want ten of these beautiful birds! * blows the Horn of the Shieldbreakers * LET'S RAM THE CASTLE!   Keep up the good work. :3

What do you want to discover in Computer Adventures?
Dec 6, 2021 14:19 by Andrew

Oh god, I've created a monster...

Dec 6, 2021 14:55 by Heath O'Donnell

I noticed you didn't share an image of what these dinosaur beaked destroyers of the Australian Army on crack look like.   Still awesome. Loving the beastiary overall

Dec 7, 2021 00:27 by Andrew

Glad you're enjoying it! And the reason for the lack of an image is because I can't draw well enough for it, but should I follow through properly, all these lil buds should be getting images.

Dec 6, 2021 15:10 by Amelia Nite

Gorgeous birbs as mounts? *slaps money down* I want one!!!   All these cute beasties are making me wish I lived in a fantasy world to own one. Then I remember I have the combat skills of a disabled platypus. ^^;

Dec 7, 2021 00:28 by Andrew

Glad you like them! By the way, platypus' have poisonous spines, so you'd be pretty effective in self defense!

Dec 7, 2021 04:00 by Amelia Nite

As a disabled platypus, I might not have those. xD

Dec 6, 2021 21:11 by Angantyr

Funny "little" critters. Something of a love child of Roadrunner and Pachycephalosaurus. :P   So, apart from the fact that I would want o hug a dozen of those, like Shadow, I need to ask... Are they tasty? :D

Playing around with words and worlds
Dec 7, 2021 00:26 by Andrew

Probably akin to very dry chicken, I'd say, so you probably wouldn't want to eat one unless you absolutely had to.

Dec 7, 2021 08:53 by Angantyr

I'll stick to just having one as a pet, then.

Playing around with words and worlds
Dec 7, 2021 09:17

Only one?! Pffffft :P

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Dec 7, 2021 09:23 by Angantyr

I figured I'll go the bare minimum since you dried the whole stock. :P

Playing around with words and worlds
Dec 7, 2021 09:25

Aww, that is so considerate of you! <3 Thank you :3 I'll have to breed them, so when the first couple nests have hatched, you'll certainly receive a few!

What do you want to discover in Computer Adventures?
Dec 7, 2021 09:27 by Angantyr

Thank you! <3 Sharing is caring. :3

Playing around with words and worlds
Dec 6, 2021 23:13 by Theo

Yes, rise glorious disaster birds! Rise a claim this puny Earth!!

Dec 7, 2021 00:27 by Andrew

Should...should I be concerned?

Dec 7, 2021 01:25 by Theo


Dec 7, 2021 09:18

Me likey this attitude :3

What do you want to discover in Computer Adventures?
Feb 27, 2022 15:40 by Secere Laetes

Nice birds.   I think it's good that you include a reason why keepers of these birds should also put something solid in the enclosure.   Otherwise I would have been interested to know how fast they generally become.   And how intelligent the birds are. In particular, whether the brain is also damaged by the vibrations, so that the owner has to be careful that they don't ram too much, or whether the brain is so well protected that it doesn't mind being rammed, so that every bird owner wants something as hard as possible to ram.