Demzi Darusk Character in Prosi | World Anvil
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Demzi Darusk

Demzi Darusk

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, fit, and on the leaner side.

Body Features

Longer hair pulled up into a bun with matching twin braids on either side of her head, pulled out of her face. Stray strands of hair have fallen out of the ribbon holding it together, draping over her eyes and the side of her face.

Facial Features

Thicker eyebrows and a small, straight nose. Fuller lips, usually pulled into a frown or neutral expression. Smaller facial shape, softer in contrast to the serious, borderline grumpy expression she typically sports. She rarely smiles, settling for a small grin when happy/amused. When she does smile, her demeanor softens, giving her the appearance of someone much younger.

Identifying Characteristics

A scar running from the left cheek, diagonally across the bridge of her nose, ending just shy of her right eye.

Physical quirks

Doesn't appear to be particularly bothered with social etiquette. Tends to often stand with her arms crossed, feet slightly apart. Her stance is rarely relaxed around other people.

Special abilities

Draws the power that allows her to encourage her allies and deter her foes from her deep belief in the power of the spoken word. Say words with enough force and conviction, shit tends to happen.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a lavender blouse with loose flowy sleeves that are tucked into dark green leather gauntlets overlayed with scales of plate. On her torso, she wears a matching chestplate, the collar of it reaching mid-neck and the bottom of it breaking off at the waist into two overlapping pieces, arching down and over the tops of her thighs and held together by a simple leather belt. Donning her shoulders is a beige, shin-length hooded cloak, held together with a round golden clasp; the seams at the bottom of it appear to be fraying a bit. She wears a pair of relaxed, dark brown pants tucked into a pair of shin high leather boots. Her bow and quiver both hang securely behind her back atop her cloak, strung over her left shoulder. Her twin shortswords hang by her sides, attached by dual straps that hang across her belt. Her violin is secured snugly beneath her cloak, hanging opposite to where her bow + quiver do in a simple, dinged up wooden case.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Just Demzi.


Haven't really thought about it. Girls are usually... nice? I feel weird talking about this.


Grew up learning to hunt and fend for herself from a young age. Adept in navigation and traversal of the wilds of Prosi.


Currently enlisted in the Brahir Company.

Mental Trauma

Fears drowning and highly dislikes being in or around water. Major fear of ghosts and spirits of any kind. Fear of death and difficulty expressing/processing her emotions surrounding the subject.

Intellectual Characteristics

Functionally illiterate. She's begun the process of slowly learning the basics out of necessity, but has no interest learning beyond that at this point.   Excels in combat, encouraging her allies, and navigation. Has a way with animals. She finds them easier to understand.

Morality & Philosophy

Sharing information and storytelling through word of mouth is just as - if not more - important than being able to read it on a page. Do what is necessary to get by, but never be needlessly cruel. Face problems head-on, never run when the going gets tough. Friends and family are most important, and I will protect them with all I have.


Abandoning an ally.

Personality Characteristics


Protecting those closest to me, breaking out of my shell more and becoming worthy of being someone to look to for encouragement and decisiveness.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Animals, exploring the natural world, her friends, making fun of assholes.   Dislikes: Authority figures, sitting properly, propriety in general.

Virtues & Personality perks

Very empathetic. Able to think on her feet when necessary.

Vices & Personality flaws

Impulsive at times. Tends to resort to violence when threatened/panicked. She likes to drink occasionally and can be easily persuaded into games of chance ex. gambling. Absentminded. Forgets important things occasionally, to the frustration of her companions.

Personality Quirks

Hums a tune under her breath when incredibly stressed. She appears to do it subconsciously, as a self-soothing tactic. Likes to fiddle with things and sometimes breaks them as a result. Er on the side of caution when handing her magical/important items. Tends to eat with her hands and is open to eating almost anything (except poison, Zalaia.). Has eaten an entire raw onion like an apple once, and would absolutely do so again.


It's not filth - I like to call it a healthy coating of earth.


Contacts & Relations

Thokreck - very good relationship

Religious Views

Holds respect for the gods of the world and a reverence for the natural world, but wouldn't consider herself religious.

Social Aptitude

Despite her views on storytelling and the spoken word, she tends to fumble, speak bluntly, and get easily flustered when attention is focused on her. Doesn't find it easy to express herself verbally. Perpetually inexperienced with being around people and more in her element while in combat, in which she can be very encouraging and forward.


Doesn't hug very often, opting to pat those closest to her on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement instead.

Hobbies & Pets

Artistic pursuits, such as practicing her violin, and keeps a journal to occasionally doodle things in. No pets at the moment.


Lower pitched, gruffer and quiet, not incredibly eloquent.

Wealth & Financial state

Isn't particularly greedy or interested in money. Grew up on the poorer side, doesn't tend to want for a lot beyond armor, weapon, and musical instrument upkeep.

A socially awkward Hunter ranger who has a loyalty to her friends and a love of nature, looking to find her place in the world.

View Character Profile
True Neutral
Date of Birth
972 AU
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
155 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Get fucked, monsters!"
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Sylvan, Dwarvish

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