Everwell Settlement in Prosi | World Anvil
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The capital of Prosi and the largest city on the continent.     With those two things in its favor Everwell as well as a centralized position on the continent it is often the focal point of businesses and guilds on the continent.  It is the trade hub of business on the continent with most deals for large scale and high end purchases taking place here.  Resources, both raw goods and finished, are plentiful in the city.   Everwell is located on an isthmus that connects the two major landmasses of the continent.  It has favorable shores making it able to have harbors on both sides of the city.   The city has multiple districts within the city that can provide a familiar feel for all races and people.   The area immediately surrounding Everwell is predominantly farmland in order to feed the large number of people living within the city.   The architecture of the city is predominantly stone.  There are very few parks within the city.  In fact, you could go several weeks at a time before seeing a tree.  It is a highly industrialized location.


All races though predominantly human.  Races tend to group together forming their own wards within the city.


The city operates with a mayor and each district electing a representative to fight for their own needs.


With only the two ways to attack the city by land it has built up massive ramparts on both sides.  It has several defensive structures on both of its harbors in case of an attack by sea.


Anything you could want is available within the city.
Several hundred thousand
Owning Organization

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