Gul Character in Prosi | World Anvil
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Gul (a.k.a. Ishnam Gul Sedaat)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Shorter, fairly stocky, with defined sinewy musculature. Arms and legs seem longer than they are. Dark gray/green skin with a pale patch around his forehead, nose bridge and cheekbones.

Body Features

Tusks, covered in scars, wavy patches of pale skin thrown randomly across his body

Facial Features

A dark nose, contrasting against the paleness of his forehead and cheeks, that has been busted far too many times, cauliflower ears, deep scars clefting the lips. Hair shines with oil and is tightly curled and kinked, drawn back into a bushy knot sitting on the back of his skull.

Identifying Characteristics

The wavy patterns of pale gray skin contrasting his darker natural half-orc gray/green mark him as 'sea-touched' by his tribe, and destined to travel and participate in the outer world rather than stay isolated on their island. Gul's hands are harsh and heavily calloused

Physical quirks

Rigid posture, measured economy of movement, primal grace in combat

Apparel & Accessories

Gul wears mostly dark-colored robes arranged in shawls around his shoulders, chest, and hips. His upper arms are bare, and he has sweat-stained cloth wraps around his hands and wrists. He has baggy cloth pants, and brown leather bindings around his torso, forearms and waist keep everything secure. On his feet are moccasins laced up to the knee. He carries a few tribal fetishes - strings of coins, tied knots of feathers and small animal bones, stone beads. Most notably, Gul wears a blank wooden mask bearing nothing but eye-slits when he is among strangers or preparing to enter combat. He also has a hood on the poncho/shawl around his shoulders, which he pulls up over the mask.

Specialized Equipment

Gul uses a single longsword similar in appearance to a khanda, preferring to keep his offhand free. He also carries a quarterstaff, longbow and throwing axes.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Gul believes sex is for making warriors strong enough to carry his legacy.


Training from birth in the ways of the hierarchical warrior caste of the Sedaat clan.


Brahir Company - adventurer

Intellectual Characteristics

Writes haiku Likes chess

Morality & Philosophy

Gul believes the point of life is to find the limits of your body and soul - and push past those limits. Gul seeks the struggle in all things, and believes a life can only be lived when it is risked. Gul revels in the contest of violence, not the blood and death - he will extend mercy to honorable opponents, allowing them to accept defeat and return to challenge him once again. Gul prefers to focus on dutiful physical training and spiritual meditation on the art of violence rather than intellectual or social pursuits. Gul has little time for words and pleasantries, and puts more value in the deeds of men than their intent, but can be engaged in contemplative conversation on certain topics. Gul believes in defending the weak, but expects the weak to respect the gift that the strong give to them. Gul puts a high value on hierarchy, order, and reliability. He will stand by those he agrees to fight alongside, and expects the same in return. Gul likes to have a clear idea of who is in charge.


Disdain for intoxication, brothels, gambling. Okay with spirit journey type drugs. Fun is wasteful as far as he is concerned, but he is not judgemental of others.

Personality Characteristics


I wish to test myself in all things. I will answer every challenge and find my place in the order of life. I will have perfect transcendence.

Virtues & Personality perks

Gul will not abandon those he has allied himself to or sworn to assist. Gul will always listen to those superior to him, or those he has agreed to follow. Despite his extreme perspectives and values, he is fairly slow to judge others, and prefers to do so based on their deeds rather than their flaws.

Vices & Personality flaws

Gul will always accept a challenge of single combat. Gul expects deference from those he is superior to, or those who have agreed to follow him.

Personality Quirks

Spits on his hands and rubs it through his hair often Holds eye contact far beyond any level of decency Eats strange food - insects, snakes, grubs, etc.


Rigorous Oils his hair Smells strangely spicy, but not unpleasant


Family Ties

Raishnar Tev Sedaat - clan elder, biological father Orsha Ulv Sedaat - clan elder, biological mother Mishnon Vul Sedaat - clan brother, biological brother Lishna Uli Sedaat - clan sister, arranged wife Prashnir Gul Sedaat - clan brother, rival Tishvin Tev Sedaat - clan sister, biological step-sister

Religious Views

Gul views violence, and the contest of will between combatants in battle, as a spiritual exercise to assert the balance of the universe.

Social Aptitude

Extremely socially distant, does not speak often, finds no use for pleasantries or smalltalk. Shows respect and remains polite in most situations, as he places a lot of value in self-control. Stoic, reserved, cagey, measured personality.

Hobbies & Pets

Enjoys playing chess, even against himself, as a test of strategy. Training in strange but effective ways.


Doesn't speak often in the company of 'outsiders' Leaves his communication to grunts and gestures often

Wealth & Financial state

Gul has little concern for material wealth.

A warrior from the Sedaat clan seeking challenges to push himself towards perfection.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
962 AU
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark gray/green
Known Languages
Common, Orc, Goblin

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Session 1
March 28, 996

Left Brahir with Beck, the cat woman called Flower, the great teacher who draws magic shapes, and the younger wolf.   Journey to Scale Gate uneventful. It is a place humans do not belong, but in their foolishness remain. Of course there is sickness. When I arrived, it was told that they are celebrating the traditions of the lizardmen who used to nest where they now live. I do not understand this.   These humans make games of survival, fighting great swamp lizards and teaching their young to steal eggs. The feats and challenges they perform all involve some form of trickery or handicap; the pole to climb is oiled, the lizard is penned and cannot ambush, the footrace allows for opponents to fight, the boxing is a contest of who can land a number of slaps the quickest. They even poison a great amount of their food and have a contest to see who can eat the most. What waste.   Spoke to a dwarf woman after the challenges. She said that this sickness is strange. It is not strange. It is the swamp taking vengeance for the hubris and waste of these people. After more talking, we were attacked by many opponents who sought to steal the humans away.   We fought. I can do better than I did in this contest. The bright woman tore through the enemy, fighting well like her sister. The loxodon teacher held against a dangerous group of foes, using his great size. The one called Flower shot true, felling many people with a single arrow and drawing upon the spirits of the wild. Beck broke easily. I must teach her that water can be hard.


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