Rebel Graves Character in Prosi | World Anvil
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Rebel Graves

Rebel Graves (a.k.a. Silas McQuade)

Unsure of where he was born, Rebel grew up in Everwell as an urchin, unsure of his parents, only knowing that one of them was an Elf because of the slight point to his ears and his maintaining of a youthful look as he aged. Stealing and conning to make his living for the majority of his life, Rebel has used his wit, but more importantly, his charm to get out of tight spots. He was physically abused quite frequently in his youth, as an urchin had no real value to most people beyond a punching bag, leaving him covered in small scars across a lot of his body. He frequents taverns and brothels, partly because he wants to live life as if there's no tomorrow, because tomorrow is not guaranteed. Also, partly because he has a hard time with forming meaningful relationships because of his abandonment issues and the lifestyle that he was forced into by growing up.   Two exceptions to that are Saphi & Solaste Dariva, a lesbian couple that he befriended while they worked at a high-end brothel. As they spent more time together, and he continued to visit them at the brothel, they became closer, eventually almost welcoming him as family. The couple wished to start a family, and over the years, they've spent nights with Rebel in order to have that family. While they did not wish for Rebel to be a parent, desiring that for themselves, they did have Rebel around frequently, so he knows his children, but they're unaware that he is their biological father.   Rebel has ran many con job through the city, as well as on his travels around Prosi, though he's never been particularly malicious with what he's done, he's crossed a lot of wealthy people, taking their coin as his own and spending it on the luxuries of life. He has had a noted history of swindling governmental officials, since most of their money was not really their money anyhow. Many of his cons have been ran under his alias, Silas McQuade, although his real name sounds more like an alias. The joys of not knowing your family did have it's benefits, such as nobody to answers to and choosing a name befitting of one's lifestyle.   Since he's got such an unconventional relationship with Saphi & Solaste, and that's the closest thing to real intimacy he's ever known, Rebel has found himself with a long list of ex lovers that he's had no attachment to, as, despite his overly charming ways, he is afraid of becoming attached and becoming rejected, so he detaches and rejects before it can be done to him as a coping mechanism. He is slow to trust, and slower to befriend because of this as well.   He has joined the Bahir Company alongside Ollara at Saphi & Solaste's request in an attempt to make sure that she would be safe, but he found that he has quite a knack for using his particular skills to benefit the group that they were put in, so he has decided to stay around since he's started the bonds of some friendships, something he has not really had much of in his life.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and fit build. Quite muscular, but not bulky. Very nimble despite his build.

Body Features

A very fit build. His body is covered in varying small scars from beatings he was given in his youth. Has a small amount of body hair that's lightly colored, seemingly groomed intentionally so, but it's naturally occurring. Has his long blonde hair often pulled back in a ponytail, unless he's wearing it down to help obstruct the view of his face.

Facial Features

A well maintained, slightly longer than scruff-length beard that's just slightly darker than his head hair. A vibrant, wide grin with a dimple on his left cheek. Bright, piercing blue eyes that almost seem to sparkle a little.

Identifying Characteristics

Infectious smile & a unique drawl.

Special abilities

Has a way with words, rather they be scathing or charming, that's far beyond what most people have.

Apparel & Accessories

Always dressed nice, even when wearing armor. Has a variety of clothing for different situations. A variety of weapons and musical instruments.

Specialized Equipment

A wide array of tools and equipment for different jobs, from breaking and entering to musical performances to infiltration to forgery.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Very little formal education. Learns primarily from trial and error and street knowledge. Self-taught in most things he excels at.


Con jobs and schemes were his primary occupation prior to the Brahir Company, where he's a more formal con man and schemer.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Convincing in the art of disguise. A masterful forger. A skilled brewer of pleasurable intoxicants. A musical virtuoso.

Mental Trauma

Fear of abandonment & rejection. Unsure at times how to react to intimacy and caring because of beatings and abandonment as a child.

Intellectual Characteristics

Prideful in the fact that almost everything he knows he taught himself, despite his upbringing, or lack there of.

Morality & Philosophy

Thinks that morality is just a set of principles that jealous people try to enforce on those that choose not to conform in most cases, but does know the difference between right and wrong.


Anything involving anything negative towards children.

Personality Characteristics


To make money to pay for the things he enjoys. To ensure his daughters can thrive despite the world's constraints.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Usually quite able to charm most people, rather it be to get out of trouble, or into trouble with them.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Women, alcohol, cussing, gambling, cheating, and other pleasurable things.   Dislikes: Authority & Child abusers.

Vices & Personality flaws

Has a hard time resisting a gamble. Often time over indulges in things he enjoys; almost as if he's afraid he'll not experience it again if he doesn't.


Immaculate at all possible times.


Religious Views

Uninterested in religion. Doesn't feel as if he needs to answer to sky people for anything.

Social Aptitude

While often choosing not to, opting instead to enjoy himself despite any social stigmas, he is capable of putting himself seamlessly into almost any social setting, and either fitting in well, or conning his way though well enough to make people think he's fitting in well.


Finds himself gesturing with his hands a lot, particularly pointing towards whoever he's talking to, or talking about.

Hobbies & Pets

Card games. Forging documents for money. Drinking.


Curses a lot.

Wealth & Financial state

While Rebel often has plenty of coin on hand, he's quick to spend it on his desires, leaving little to show for it, aside from his nice clothing.
Current Location
Brahir Training Center
View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
Unknown; Grew up in Everwell
Current Residence
Brahir Training Center
Bright Blue
Golden Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Tanned
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Alright, shit head, throw up your dick beaters."
Known Languages
Common, Elvish & Celestial

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