The Wilds Geographic Location in Prosi | World Anvil
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The Wilds

The Wilds is the location in southern Prosi.  It is currently overseen by Kagrog and is one of the states of Prosi.  It is the smallest region in terms of total landmass as well as total population.  It is predominantly a wooded area.   It is famous for its high concentration of magical creatures.  Despite heavy harvesting of magical creatures in the area by a multitude of groups the overall number of magical creatures never seems to diminish.  The Wilds is as dangerous today as it was the first day it was inhabited by mortals.   The people of the The Wilds is largely comprised of what is considered the monstrous races.  The more typical races of Prosi are present but they frequently have to earn their spot and aren't treated particularly well though rarely does violence arise from this animosity.   These monstrous races were marched to this region from around the continent in an effort, led primarily by fear, to corral all of them for the safety of the nation.
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