Vibrant Flower Character in Prosi | World Anvil
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Vibrant Flower

Vibrant Flower (a.k.a. Flower)

If the phrase "curiosity killed the cat" was true, Flower would have been dead as a young Tabaxi. Her full name is Vibrant Flower and her mother, Bronze Dream (Bronze), named her that because Flower was always hiding and exploring the tall grasses and flowers as a cub. She would bring her mother flowers and plants, proud of her adventures as a little cub. Flower has three brothers: Bird Feather (Bird), Rain in the Summer (Rain), and Shadow of a Star (Star). Shadow is the eldest and named after their father Shadow of the Moon (Shadow). Bird is older than Flower, still a cub himself honestly. Rain is Flower's sibling from the same birth cycle, but they are not twins. Flower also has a sister around her age, Flame of the Spirit (Flame). Along with seven other families and their children, this clan became the Snapping Branch Clan - a clan currently with 53 members total and still growing. Flower and her siblings were great archers, training at a young age. However, Flower was always so incredibly curious. Her parents often worried about her because she would go out for long hours, venturing a little further every time. Because of this, it has gotten her scolded and lectured by not only her parents and her clan but the other clans as well. They viewed her as too curious and too nosy. She always wanted to know what was beyond the coast and where those big, beautiful ships always go.   With the blessings of her family and clan, she hopped onto the next ship to the mainland and found herself looking for work. She found the Brahir Training Center and started training, making friends with a few members. She finds herself much closer to Evelynn, Demzi, and Gul.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender, sleek, sinewy body. Very much a runner's body.

Body Features

Since arriving at the Brahir Training Center, Flower's fur coat has thickened a bit to adapt to the colder weather than the tropical island of Arbordom. Her coat is covered in various black stripes and spots, similar to a Savannah Cat. She has long teeth, long claws when released, and her long tail has a gold ring cuff around it towards the tip. Her ears are always standing and long, though when she is upset they will go down.

Facial Features

Very young-looking face with long whiskers. Very bright yellow-green cat eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Her gold ring cuff around the tail is a trademark for her family clan, the Trailing Mesa clan.

Physical quirks

She does not understand personal space. Your space is her space, very much like a domesticated housecat.

Special abilities

Given her family's history, skill, and training with a bow, Flower is a tremendously skilled young sharpshooter. She also has a very unique relationship with nature and the environment around her.

Apparel & Accessories

Flower wears a dark brown leather corsage. She wears similar dark brown leather pants that expose her tail. She does walk around barefoot to be quieter and allow for easier climbing. She carries a longbow, two shortswords, and an explorer's pack on her. She also carries two personal items: a kalimba her mother made her and a little ball with a bell on the inside that she will bat around, chase, and dangle from strings before bed to lull her to sleep.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Sex is not something that comes to mind for her.


Flower is naive, in both formal education and life experience; which is why she decided to venture out into the world. She is very educated in the customs of her island and the various tribes, but everything else is foreign to her.


She used to be a hunter for her tribe and for other tribes on the island to barter with.

Failures & Embarrassments

She was scolded by various tribal leaders for being too curious. She felt so awful for being lectured and in trouble that she tries to avoid that as much as possible.

Mental Trauma

She actually is pretty "happy-go-lucky". She hasn't been jaded by the world - yet. Some of that probably comes from others protecting her.

Intellectual Characteristics

Very childlike and playful. She struggles to detach that some people are bad and some people are good. She's trying to find the gray in between the black and white.

Morality & Philosophy

Playful and good. Just truly kindhearted and good.


Lying. Lying is so hard for her.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Her ball. Chasing things. Fish. Running. Climbing. Learning new things. Sunbathing.


Contacts & Relations

The Trailing Mesa Clan The Mumbling Rain Clan The Anchored Coast Clan The Whistling Cliff Clan The Wild Fields Clan The Surging River Clan

Family Ties

Her mother, Bronze Dream (Bronze), named her that because Flower was always hiding and exploring the tall grasses and flowers as a cub. Flower had three brothers: Bird Feather (Bird), Rain in the Summer (Rain), and Shadow of a Star (Star). Star is the eldest and named after their father Shadow of the Moon (Shadow). Bird is older than Flower, still a cub himself honestly. Rain is Flower's sibling from the same birth cycle but they are not twins. Flower also has a sister around her age, Flame of the Spirit (Flame).


Personal space does not exist. She is often seen leaning into others and having that physical connection with them. She does not eat with utensils often unless Evelynn or Ezraen gives her 'the look'. She will sit on tables or on the floor, but finds its odd to sit at a formal table... unless, again, Evelynn or Ezraen gives her 'the look'.
Chaotic Good
Tan and yellow with brownish-black spots and stripes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan and yellow with brownish-black spots and stripes

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