Weave Crest Building / Landmark in Prosi | World Anvil
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Weave Crest

Weave Crest is the preeminent academy of magic in Prosi.  The best minds of the continent, regardless of race or region, end up at the academy.  Both as young students and as adults who are already trained.  This is because Weave Crest is one of the very few places where experimentation with new types of magics and spells is allowed.  It has even, from time to time, been allowed to work with chronurgy which is a forbidden type of magic since the Emergence.   Weave Crest is intentionally placed far away from anything so that if something were to happen it would, in theory, only result in its own demise.   The school employs a great number of enchantments on itself to make it easy to reach for people who are interested in learning as well as to make the outside area a very comfortable place to be.     Despite being in the far north it has some of the nicest beaches on the continent.
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