Sânge De Aur Organization in Prospero | World Anvil
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Sânge De Aur

The occult masters of that Hemomancy arts. The Sânge De Aur was an Ostermarch order of mages that studies to arts of blood magic. They were a long-feared order who were known for there sociopathic tendencies that would seem on whims stripe entire villages of life to feed their lusts.   They were known to be collectors of occult artifacts


One thing that is known about them is that they had a very specific number of members. When they inducted a new member they were known to take one of their members who were ready to pass on into the next life and have the new recuit, upon the completion of their training, drain all the blood of the old master into the new. This way they would forever remain one with every member of their order who ever lived.

Public Agenda

They wished to train others in the arts of blood magic and sustain the bloodline of every hemomancer in their order.   The order now lost to the world, if they had any other motives besides the training of their kind and consuming the blood of others in their rapture.
Guild, Mages

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