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Pulcher Aquae

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Pulcher Aquae (“Beautiful Waters” in latin) is an alternative version of the planet Earth in which a inundation stroke all the world, living behind some few island in which some creatures managed to survive in. Most of the islands are the remaining plateaus and mountains that weren´t covered by the water of the inundation. Various groups of humans managed to survive, but during several centuries they behaved like nomadic pirates that travel to island to island in search of resources; this lead to the humans to start interacting with all the species on the islands, so some of this animals evolved with the time in order to gain resemblance the humans. At first, this humanoids species were venerated as saints as soon as some humans started to settle down in some of the islands, but the humanoids quickly gained self-awareness and started to become independency. Since then, most of the humans and humanoids trade with each other, meanwhile some of them get into conflicts or use one another for their own gain.

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