Blànfax ([bla:n:faks])

Blànfax are a naturally-occurring cross-breed of foxes and wolves in and around The Forest of Doon and Brùha Foyblànii. Even then there are two varieties of Blànfax: "Friend" and "Queen".  

Translation of the Name

The term literally translates as "White Fox", though Blàn has a few translations, leading to variations in translations. "Snowy Fox" and "Winter Fox" are also in circulation as alternative names, to those that have encountered them. We'll also see later there are variations in the fur colours among types of this species.  
Chronicler's Notes:
Blànfax is an ancient Foyiitùn term that has never been replaced with a modern equivalent. By accident, this turned out for the best, since fax is a term understood by both the non-Common Tongue-speaking Kyadii and Shevezzi scholars.   Modern Foyiitùn would not permit nf due to "Language Smoothing".   Also note that fax is the correct plural and singular form, though faxii and faxes are not technically incorrect either.


Common Traits

Aspects which are similar between these two varieties are:  

Winter Hibernation

All Blànfax hibernate from late Spring and reemerge in Autumn, except in the Brùha Foyblànii. They replace the orange and Ruby Foxes, who hibernate in Autumn and Winter. Spring was the only chance to see both at the same time, though.   In terms of the Blànfax, you will only see a lone fax hunting or foraging before taking their hoard to their set.


Blànfax are omnivores and will, more often than not, consume fruits and other tree-based produce than go hunting. Although they can defend themselves, they rarely need to.   They have been known to consume creatures that have already died another way, but only after two or three adults have spent a considerable amount of time sniffing it, to determine whether it was safe or not.

Mostly Shy

All creatures in the fax classification are shy, both of Paràntoids and other animals. The Blànfax are slightly less so, at least among the "Friend" variety.   This has been put down to having a partial wolf lineage, as even "good" wolves are generally bolder than the fax species.   This shyness may also be the reason they prefer to forage than hunt.

Eye Colours

They also share their eye colour, though in different tones. Blànfax usually have deep-blue eyes, unless looking directly into a light source. This is due to their affinity with Ousii in the form of Ice, though they wield no Elemental abilities.   The Spring/Summer foxes' eyes are a pale blue, as they are known to roam the higher hills near and in Doon, signifying a closer tie to Aevyen, while their fur was orange or ruby, due to Erdé.  

Friend vs Queen Blànfax


Friend Blànfax

The "friend" variety is also known as the "common" one. Their fur is not pure white (unlike the Queen Blànfax):  
  • Ears: Inside their fuzzy ears, the fur is black and dark grey. The backs of their ears start out light grey as cubs, before darkening to black later in life. This is the case for both male and female Blànfax.

  • Eyes: While the shade of the colour can vary depending on the age and gender of the creature, they had large brown patches around their eyes.

  • Body: As per their Blàn prefix, the majority of their fur is white (or off-white, in the case of males). However, flecks of gold and grey are common too. Aged Blànfax have been known to develop more deep gold and dark grey fur than white, something the Woodsmen ascribe to self-preservation in the form of camouflage.
Why Are They Called Friends?
The Foyii don't believe in "common" species, a term given simply due to a proportion of the population. They decided on the term "Friend" for various reasons, but it is prudent first to explain what is not a reason.   Blànfax are never tamed. They do not arrive at the call of anyone, even the most Nature-sensitive being, and they will not eat out of another's hand, nor even from food provided for them.   However, the Foyii have never threatened their dens (or "sets" depending on who you speak to), nor hunted them. As Blànfax are part of the natural cycles, any threats against the foxes are opposed. This has been true for generations, leading the Friend variety to occasionally glance towards a group of Woodsmen before venturing out, as though seeing in them the protection required to do so.   For their part, the Woodsmen, especially those of the Foyverii clan, make sure no fallen berries and the like are completely gathered up, always leaving some for the Blànfax. And, at the start of a snowfall and as it began to thaw, will gather up what snow they can and deposit it around the entrances of their dens. This provides cover for the foxes, but also a source of water, which is needed prior to hibernation and to care for mothers and cubs in mid-Autumn.  

Queen Blànfax

Queen Blànfax are so shy that they are rarely seen among others of its kind, let alone caught near a Paràntoid. For this reason, only rough sketches of them exist among the many attempts to document their behaviour.   Compared to their Friend counterparts, the Queens (which are male and female) have pinker inner ears and noses. They also appear to "wear" a circlet of grey fur around their heads, which meets in their foreheads at a pale blue diamond-shaped marking. It was this feature that gave rise to their name.
Impression Sketch
  The rest of their fur is as pure white as one could imagine, which may serve to explain why they're seen even less often than the Friends; in early autumn and early Spring, there are fewer snowfalls, meaning they are more obvious to predators during those times.  

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