Abyssal Tritons

Abyssal Tritons are a subrace of tritons that dwell deep beneath the ocean waves, where leviathans live and the sun rarely reaches.   For surface dwellers, Abyssal Tritons are a rare sub species. The only time they are commonly seen is around the Coral Abyss, or sometimes encountered at see when a large, bright glowing seashell is seen on the horizon. When this occurs, sailors are quick to converge on the location as the Abyssal Tritons as very good traders. Due to the their location deep within the sea, they tend to scavenge ship wrecks of all kinds and always are will to trade it back to the surface dwellers for a price!   The smartest of captains have plotted underwater settlements for these so called deepfolk and will visit every so often to stock up on needed supplies or check what salvage they have obtained recently.   The truth about this subrace of tritons is that they actually outnumber the more humanoid looking tritons by more than 30 to 1. What the surface dwellers call "regular" tritons are really an offshoot of the Abyssal Tritons who interbred with surface dwellers long ago, likely lizardfolk. However, the deepfolk enjoy staying in the depths and out of sight of the wars on the surface.   Unlike the surface Tritons, the Abyssal Tritons have had many wars with their main enemy, the Deep Ones. The Deep Ones are slave traders, and will pillage the underwater towns of the deepfolk for slaves, just as they do the coastal villages of the lizardfolk. The Deep Ones were nearly wiped out from the surface world nearly 300 years ago, but have since moved back down into the depths, creating more conflict with the Abyssal Tritons.   Abyssal Tritons have their own capital city, far, far below the ocean waves named Zahan. No surface dwellers are invited there, and if it can be prevented, none will ever know its location either.   Society for the deepfolk is also complicated due to their birthing patterns. Female Abyssal Tritons are born one for every thousand males, thus resulting in an extremely protective society toward the females. Brood brothers born with a sister are forever bound to protect their sister from harm to ensure the longevity of the race and brood. They find the task to be a great honor and easily lay down their lives for their brood sister. Broodmothers and Broodfathers are also revered by their children and family units typically stay close for their entire lives, with some exceptions of course.   The deepfolk primarily worship the god Pimoe as well as the Qinla'Un creation god of the deep abyss, Opochli.  
Sub Race Traits


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