Andel Settlement in Qinla'Un | World Anvil


The capital city of the Aasimar, and home to their race for thousands of years. Once at the center of a lush jungle valley, millenia of magical construction and isolation has led to a barren wasteland surrounding a becon of light and technology.


Primarily home to aasimar (98%), though some arch angels have also made a home in this city when they decide to leave the celestial heavens. The one other race that aasimar tend to tolerate if not befriend are the aarakocra. Members of this race are allowed in the lower city and special permission by a high ranking member of the military allows them to enter the upper city.


The aasimar of Andel do support a monarchy, whose role is to control the people and ensure they are taken care of from a social stand point. The current queens are Illa and Neosri. The monarchy regularly meets with city governors from the upper and lower cities to discuss ways to improve the lives of the people.
As a second branch of the aasimar society, the military is led by the Arch General Thija, a female aasimar granted arch angel status roughly 400 years ago when she successfully defended against an incursion from fiends of the Abyss. Thija is feared by many, and respected by all. No aasimar wishes to get on her bad side as she has been known to hold grudges for decades.


The biggest defense of the city is the massive and sprawling wasteland that surrounds it. Stretching nearly 100 miles to the east, and about 20 miles to the west, this wasteland is incredibly dangerous for any who travel through it by foot. The safest means of travel is by air, but that is by no means guaranteed to be "safe" as packs of young wasteland dragons roam the skies, and some air ships have gone missing with rumors of adult wasteland dragons bringing them down.
Outside of this wasteland is the expansive ring of mountains which encircle the valley. These mountains are also filled with indiginous species, most not very friendly. As ground passage that once existed from aasimar has long since been abandoned and reclaimed by dwellers in the dark, thus scaling the mountain peaks tends to the "safest" way toward Andel.
Surrounding the Lower City of Andel is a massive wall of magical alabaster, with periodic watch towers meant to keep an eye out for any travelers or creatures of the wasteland that venture too close to the city. There is also a standing army of 300 soldiers always on duty about the city streets and outer walls.
Finally, above the city a fleet of airships, powered by celestial wings, protext the city from any other possible threat. These ships are also filled with soldiers capable of flight on their own, and also armed with celestial cannons and other weaponry.


  • The Lower City - accessible by road or airship, the lower city is where the majority of aasimar live and go about their day to day lives. Just outside the walls of the city is a massive wasteland filled with monstrous creatures, so the walls of the city have been built several meters thick of magically enchanted alabaster. The city buildings are made of granite, alabaster and sandstone and are built to survive attacks as they have in the past.
  • The Rings of Light - considered the "upper city" by most people of Andel, this part of the city floats roughly a quarter of a mile above the Lower City and is reachable only by airship. This upper city is constructed from 3 massive rings made of solid adamantine, with inner surfaces of rock and soil for a soft and pleasant surface. The 3 rings are of increasing sizes with each smaller ring roughly half the distance inside the surface of the next largest ring.
    Gravity within the rings is non-existent, allowing the flightless aasimar to easily traverse the distances between the rings and points on their surface, but also to allow those who can fly a respite from constant exertion.


  • The Lower City -
  • The Rings of Light - The three rings separate the major heirarchy of the upper city. The central ring, referred to as the Palace of Light, is the primary home of the monarchy for Andel and their personal guard and families. The second ring is meant for the rich and powerful members of Andel society and is refered to as the Garden of Light. These could be governors, people who have contributed to Andel society or past rulers and service members. Retired members of the military are also granted homes on this second ring as reward for their service. Many shops and gathering places are also located on this ring. The final and largest outer ring is home to the military of Andel and is called the Chakram of Light. The outer surface of this ring is the only one which has construction as it serves as the docks for any airships coming to the city. Andel houses a massive army that is extremely well trained and prepared to fight any threat.


  • The Lower City -
  • The Garden of Light -
Founding Date
-1500 BNW
Alternative Name(s)
City of Angels, Beacon of Light


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