
Brandur the Beast has led somewhat of a modest life. He is a part of a small nomadic group of Furbolgs. This small group consisted of only 3 families and totaling 13 members.
Of Brandur’s family there are only 4. Brandur travels with his father and two cousins.
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His father is a simple man who is a woodworker who goes by only Pa. Pa has lead a hard but simple life losing Brandur’s mother to an unexpected fishing accident where a surprised thunderstorm washed out the river bank they were fishing on. As Pa attempted to gather up Brandur and their gear his wife got swept off her feet getting pulled under while the raging river washed her away. Pa and his brother searched for weeks down river searching for any sign of his wife. At the end of their journey Pa’s brother had an idea to try and check in a nearby cove to see if Pa’s wife managed to pull herself into some shelter. As they approached the cove near the base of the river Pa’s brother decided to check to make sure there were no wild animals that had set up base in the cove before approaching. Pa hung back while his brother pushed forward; after about 10 minutes of waiting Pa got worried and went to investigate the cove. When he got there all he found was his brother's waterskin and a hole in the cove that seemed to go on for forever; as if a well to hell; at least this is what he chose to believe. Losing both his brother and wife Pa was now left to care for his own son, Brandur, and his niece and nephew.
Brandur was only a babe when his mother and uncle disappeared and his father hasn’t been the most forthcoming with information about the incident. Because of this Brandur grew up living a fairly carefree life. The ideals and goals that push him have developed from the sense of responsibility he feels to protect his family and his group. Brandur is a stocky Firbolg, the largest of his group, feeding further into the sense of responsibility to protect his group. At a young age it was clear that Brandur lacked the skills to be a humble woodworker, cook, or even medicine worker. The other druids in his group attempted to teach Brandur their ways to see if he maybe was gifted in a different way. They discovered soon that he had some abilities but nothing as attuned as the druids. Over time, the group realized the potential that Brandur possessed as a protector. During their travels Pa met a Paladin. After trading some goods and asking advice, Pa realized that this might be what Brandur was destined for.
Pa offered the idea to Brandur about leaving the group and training with the Paladin that he had met for a little while. Although Brandur was hesitant, his group reassured him that this would be good for him to learn and grow. As Brandur began to pack the few belongings he had his father approached him with a gift. A simple wooden drinking horn with the carving of a unicorn on the side. “It belonged to your mother” he said “The unicorn represents our goddess Mielikki; she will guide you on your journey. If you ever feel the darkness of the world tightening its grip, Mielikki will help to show you the path back to the light.” With his drinking horn in hand Brandur set off to train with the mysterious Paladin.
As Brandur approached the village the Paladin introduced herself as Reyna the Bold. She was striking in appearance with a mass of vibrant red hair that was pulled back into a single braid that reached past her waist. With a once over look at Brandur she flashed a smile and grabbed his hand and shook it firmly; her strength caught Brandur off guard. Reyna did not bother with small talk, instead preferring to see what Brandur was capable of. With little training the best he could boast about was his natural strength, but he fought as if he had two left feet; as Reyna puts it. After a couple of years of traveling with Reyna, Brandur felt comfortable in his abilities and wanted to try and complete simple contracts on his own. Most of the contracts Brandur would pick up were to help small farmers and towns folk who were struggling to keep the wildlife at bay. Because of this Reyna gave Brandur his full name of Brandur the Beast. Brandur would collect small pieces from each creature that was slain to pay honor to Mielikki and to honor the death of the creatures.


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