Cyprin Brofuscus

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My name is Cyprin Brofuscus, a proud member of the Deep Tritons and inhabitant of Zahan, blessed land of ever bountiful tides, proof of Pimoe’s love for his chosen children.   For Centuries our ancestral Broodmothers and Clutchfathers enjoyed the plenty, with little worry for what the future may hold.   In our society, males tritons are born by the thousands and female tritons are a rare blessing, indeed, when one is born in a clutch it is cause for great celebration and jubilation for our kind. To be born in the same clutch as her brothers, it is our greatest joy and duty to keep our sister safe, even if it means laying down our lives for hers. It is no exaggeration that the future of our broodline falls to her.   In our formative years, a great tragedy struck our clutch. Our beloved Clutchfather died. In great sorrow did we lament his passing. What would become of us without our provider ? Who would defend us ? Soon we all collapsed in tears…   As we cried over our loss, Pimoe must have borne witness to our sadness and taken pity upon us. As the gentle tears of my sister streamed down her delicate scales, a miracle, the glistening tears became precious pearls…   With this blessing we survived, but we decided it was necessary to keep it a secret. If word got out it would endanger the future of our brood. We sold the pearls and lived a modest life for many years, always keeping the secret as to where we had found the precious pearls. [5:31 PM] I soon began wanting better things for my family, and my desire to be an excellent provider was one of the main reasons I started learning magical crafting to open my own shop. Wanderlust ran too strong in my veins, and even far-fetched rumors of treasure lit a fire in my heart. I was very grateful to my brothers for being understanding and keeping an eye on our sister as I set off on an adventure.   As the long cycles of the moon on the tides passed, I was immersed in work mastering every kind of material imaginable. Stone, wood, cloth, metal, coral, glass, gems and even the etherial weave itself would yield to my wims and allowed themselves to be formed into marvelous items and armaments under my demanding eye and my guiding hands. A prodigy I was called.   Recognition earned, I was invited to study under the Seven Great Maesters, avatars of everything related to crafting, their knowledge widely regarded as a priceless treasure and not something to be squandered on those who lack talent. I could not pass on this opportunity and so I delved deeper, immersing myself into their secrets, every lesson mastered near defying the rules of reality, bending them to my whims soon it was all I cared for, how would I come to regret the all consuming desire, that I was deaf to everything else…   At some point, I received a letter from my siblings. It’s contents brief, but urgent… “A great tragedy has occurred. The strength of the remaining brood must come together.” [5:31 PM] Indeed tragedy befell our home. My brood sister had been taken by a group led by a fearsome Charcharion, half of my clutch brothers laid down their lives in an attempt to halt the kidnapping, but it was to no avail, they were overpowered and slain by this Charcharion’s brutal attacks and their men with greater experience in battle. Those who survived buried the dead and tended to the severely wounded.   My only clue to find the bastard is a pendant that one of my brood brothers found in the ruins of our home, the insignia roughly carved on the metal surface.   “Pirates.”   I returned to the Coral Abyss, stole a Flying Fish Mech and made it to the surface as quickly as I could push the engines on the machine. The last I remember is seeing the bright lights of the surface world and well, soon after I realized why rapidly ascending several thousand fathoms from the bottom of the ocean blue might have not been my brightest idea…   I open my eyes and find myself in an unknown place.
Feat Training 1 - Goal 1000xp
Fortuitous Crafting: Fortuitous, but with crafting only.
Each attack with a weapon crafted by self = 5xp
Crafting or gathering attempt = 25 xp
Each day spent crafting = 5xp
Each completed magic item or enhanced equipment = 40 xp

This article has no secrets.


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