Gaia's Refuge

Once the capital city for all druids, rangers and many barbarians, Gaia's Refuge was lost when Qilorria was destroyed in the calamity impact in 210 ANW.


Roughly 60% druids, 30% rangers and 10% barbarians of all different species.


The creation of Qilorria's Gaia Tree started in 20 ANW when a large group of druids and rangers banded together to find a way to the new world. Their plan was to use their magic to create a massive Gaia Tree that would link the natural energies of the two worlds together, creating a sister tree on the new world as well. With these two massive trees linked together, a power transport via plants spell could be conjured, allowing travel between the worlds with minimal effort once the connection was made. The problem was how long it would take for the trees to grow.   The Gaia Tree on Qilorria took 10 years to fully mature, and during that time the druids and rangers built a city around and inside of the tree, using it as a home and connecting directly to the Gaia of the world. The tree was grown in the massive swampland in the southeast region of Qilorria, known to be mostly devoid of life. Ancient history claimed that the region had once been a beautiful forest, but was conquered by a race of undead ghouls called the Darakhul. When these creatures were defeated by powerful adventurers many hundreds of years ago, they retreated into the mountains farther north and were never heard from again, and their lands were left as a massive swamp of dead and rotting foliage.   This location was chosen for the Gaia Tree as the druids knew that wherever they grew it, a huge surge of natural life would occur, and ensuring no other towns or villages were overgrown in this process was essential. The mountains to the south protected the city of Achecis from any harm as well, so the process began in the swamp, and within a few years, a massive forest took over the swampland, bringing new life to a huge region.   In 30 ANW, the Qilorria Gaia Tree was fully matured and the city that had developed within it was named Gaia's Refuge. The most powerful druids in the city then worked for nearly a year to connect the Gaia of both Qilorria and the new world together, then using that connection to begin the growth of a new Gaia Tree on the new world. This process took much longer as the new tree did not have the extra help from the druids of Qilorria to aid in its growth.   20 years later in 50 ANW, the Gaia Tree of the new world fully matured, and the druids opened a gateway between the trees, leading a massive expedition to the new world. There they discovered that druids on this new world had found the growing tree and aided its creation, seeing it as a sign from nature, but then surprised with other creatures emerged from it later. These two groups befriended each other, and this gave the druids and rangers a far better understanding of the new world compared to the other groups making their way there.   A city began to develop around the new worlds Gaia Tree just as it had on Qilorria. This new city was named the Heart of Gaia, and was far more welcoming to outsiders compared to Gaia's Refuge. These twin cities continued to develop together right up until 210 ANW when the calamity impact event destroyed Qilorria entirely, wiping out the Gaia of that world. Prior to the impact, all of the inhabitants of Gaia's Refuge, along with many local non-sapient species travelled through the great tree to the new world, now forced to settle there as they watched their home destroyed in the sky above.

210 ANW

Founding Date
20 ANW


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