Grippli in Qinla'Un | World Anvil


Grippli are a race of intelligent amphibian humanoids.

Race Description

Short and dexterous, grippli resembled bipedal tree frogs. Swamp-dwelling grippli typically had gray-green skin, often mottled with darker colors such as green and brown. Grippli who dwelled in rainforests displayed a wider array of skin colors, such as bright yellow, blue, or red. Their skin smelled of old and wet plants, and appeared wet to the touch, but was actually dry. Grippli were quite small, with most individuals standing around 4 ft tall, and weighing around 60 lb. Older and more powerful grippli could be twice as tall and heavy.   They had a love of bright colors, and occasionally raided parties of travelers to obtain colored garments. Despite this, grippli rarely used much clothing beyond simple belts and loincloths. Grippli homes were decorated with brightly colored bits and bobs.   Grippli of Qinla'Un were originally subjugated by the Yuan-Ti. The Grippli were used to build the majority of Yuan-Ti city of Uxmal. They were subjugated for nearly a thousand years, until a "Herald of the Void" appeared in 200 ANW to the Yuan-Ti people and convinced them that he could assist in bringing thier lost god Sseth back from the Abyss. With no further use of the Grippli, and the fact that they were immune to their alchemical means of transforming humainoids into Yuan-Ti servants, the Yuan-Ti moved to purge the Grippli from thier lands. This greatly reduced thier numbers, and forced them into the jungles north of Uxmal where they stayed in tribal villages ever since.  

Racial Abilities

Ability Score Increase : Your Dexterity increases by 2, and your Wisdom increases by 1. (Alternatively, any player may chose any single +2 and +1 to attributes of thier choice).   Age: Grippli are typically born as young tadpoles and spend the first few years of their life underwater. As they mature, they slowly become amphibious, grow limbs, and their tail falls off. The average grippli reaches full maturity at age 25, which coincides with the first fertility cycle of the average female grippli. Most grippli tend to live long peaceful lives, with 180 years being common.   Size: The average grippli is about two feet tall, and they weigh anywhere from 25-30 pounds. Some exceed this size and tend to be about four feet tall and weigh anywhere from 50-75 lbs.   Speed: Their base walking speed is 30 feet, and they have a swim speed equal to their walking speed. Alternatively, a grippli who spent more time in the jungle than near sources of water may instead have a climb speed equal to thier walking speed.   Darkvision/Swim Speed: Some Grippli's possess darkvision with a range of 60 feet. When using darkvision, they cannot distinguish colors and only see in shades of grey. Not all Grippli have this ability though, and those that don't typically possess underwater breathing instead as they developed this trait after years of spending time in swamps and rivers.   Impressive Jumpers: Grippli have strong legs and often develop their leaping ability from hopping from tree to tree collecting fruits every day. When making a long or high jump from a standing position, grippli treat the action as if they had taken a running start of 10 feet or more (as per the rules for Jumping under Movement). If a grippli moves at least 10 feet on foot immediately before he does a long jump, he can jump the distance equal to double his current Strength score (the average race can only jump equal to their Strength score). If a grippli moves at least 10 feet on foot immediately before he does a high jump, he leaps into the air a number of feet equal to 6 + his Strength modifier (the average race can only jump 3 + their Strength modifier).   Natural Athletes: Grippli gain proficiency in the Athletics skill as a natural ability.   Prehensile Tongue: A grippli's tongue is long and dexterous, able to manipulate objects as if the grippli were using the spell mage hand. However, the range of the grippli's tongue is limited to 10 feet and can go no further unless the grippli himself moves. All the usual rules and limitations of the spell mage hand otherwise apply.   Toxic Resistance: Grippli have advantage on savings throws against poisons, and have poison resistance. In addition, if ever swallowed by a larger creature, any attempts to escape are made with advantage.


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