Harvesting - Plants and Herbs in Qinla'Un | World Anvil

Harvesting - Plants and Herbs

Plants and herbs, where to find them, and how to make them into potions and bombs. Any attempt to harvest plants and herbs takes one hour to time. A creature can search for plants and herbs a number of times per day equal to their intelligence modifier.
  Most plants and herbs have a value of 10gp per unit, however, buying and selling from locations far from the common location a plant is usually found can net a much greater value.
  How difficult it is to find plants and herbs in an area is based on how abundant the growth in the area is. This is done with a Nature check, with the DC based on the growth rate below.
DC 10 - Abundant plants and herbs in the area
DC 15 - Limited number of plants and herbs in the area
DC 20 - Very little, if any, number of plants and herbs in the area
  On a success, the amount of units of herbs/plants harvested is determined by the following:
Succeeded by 4 or less: 1d4 + Intelligence modier
Succeeded by 5 or more: 1d6 + Intelligence modier
Succeeded by 10 or more: 1d8 + Intelligence modier

Plant and Herb Descriptions

Abyss Flower
A dark pink flower with a thorny stem.
Angel Flower
A tiny white yellow flower found in mountains near rocks and stones.
Aniseed Sap
A thick amber-like fluid extracted from an Aniseed tree which can be found in cold regions.
Ash Chives
A plant that grows in clumps from underground bulbs and produce round, hollow gray leaves.


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