Identifying, Buying and Selling Magic Items

Magic Items of Rare or higher found in Adghal'un must be identified before their properties can be determined. There are multiple ways to identify magic items:
  1. Characters proficient in Arcana can attempt to recall writings and lore about the magical item based on the magical aura it emits along with its look. If successful, all item properties are determined. The DC is determined by the item rarity: Rare DC 25, Very Rare DC 30, Legendary DC 35.
  2. Minor functionality of the item can be determined by a character proficient in Investigation. By deciphering the markings, etchings and magical runes on an item, certain features such as its rarity, +X bonus', elemental damage type and whether the item requires attunement or not can be determined. The Investigation DC for any item is 15. If the investigation check exceeds 25, a curse on an item is determined as well.
  3. If the spell Detect Magic is cast on an object prior to attempting to identify it using Arcana, the DC is reduced by 5.
  4. A creature may also cast the Identify spell on an item to immediately determine all of its properties. This does cost a pearl worth 100gp for a rare item, a pearl worth 1000gp for a very rare item, and a pearl worth 5000gp for a legendary item.

Buying and Selling Magic Items

Costs vary, but in general, the chart below will help with pricing.


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