
Bull headed and battle hungry, Khalgor (Gor for short) has always had a knack for combat and shows no humility in that fact. He loves toying with his opponents, often singling out individual ones in a group battle to play with and humiliate on his own.  
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Born an orphan in a small desert village, Khalgor was adopted by a strange orc monk and trained in the way of the open fist from a young age. The calm and peaceful teachings were at constant odds with his instinctive nature however and it led to constant tension between him and his adopted father.   He left the village and his father behind in his late teens, wanting to both see the world and, more importantly, escape the rules and restrictions that his father held him to. Whether he left with his father's permission or ran away is unknown to everyone who cares to ask.   Finally free to pursue whatever interested him, he quickly fell into the pleasures of drink and flesh (he considers fighting a pleasure of the flesh). He traveled from town to town drinking, fighting and fucking. Any opponent who stood in his way was usually little match for him, which surprised him at first. He had never once won a sparring match against his father after all.   It's been almost 15 years since he left home and not much has changed. The only time he stops doing his three favorite things is when he lacks the money to continue doing so. In times like those he offers his services as a mercenary. The Arbiter's Guild is often in need of able bodied individuals such as himself, and they're almost always in need of someone to punch someone/something. He won't join them officially though… but perhaps, if he received an offer he couldn't refuse… Also, it's kinda funny there's that religion that has the same name as his old man. Bwahaha!   Friend: Barendd, the dwarf from the expedition league that comes to him when he has a job that he thinks suits the orc. They met randomly in a bar fight and had a drink together after beating the crap out of the rest of the patrons. Good times. Friends ever since. Banter and friendly insults are their bread and butter.   Foe: His old man.   Goal: Get stronger and go back and beat his old man. Show him all that peace and tranquility doesn't measure up to as much as he thinks.   Magic Item: Anything that will let him punch harder or move faster.


Parents (Adopting)
dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
400 lbs

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