
The largest city on Qilorria, its large harbor allowed to many ships to import and trade goods found in the new world.


A fairly equal mix of rogues, fighters, monks, and bards making up about 50% of the population, along with a minority of barbarians, rangers, gunslingers and artificers making up an additional 20%, and the last 30% being non-classed professionals and townsfolk.


Founded originally some time around 100 BNW as a simple centralized town where trade could easily happen among the two halves of the continent of Qilorria without having to travel all the way across the world. Around 50 BNW, the town suddenly incurred a massive flood event that wiped out the majority of the town. After this event, the townsfolk decided it was time to rebuild the town and grow it in size, re-founding Portsmith as a central trade hub city for the entire continent of Qilorria.   When the new world appeared in the sky, the majority of the non-magical classes knew their chances of finding a way there was near impossible, but they decided to try anyway. Over the next hundred years, the city grew rapidly both in size and in technological advances. Around 40 ANW, the combined efforts of craftsmen and the few wielders of arcane magic living in the city invented a new class they called the artificer. These artificers were able to build large humanoid machines and magical equipment. They used these inventions to try to find a way to the new world, but as the other magical groups on Qilorria found their own ways there, it was collectively decided to stop persuing a path there, and instead just continue to grow the trade nature of the city. A short time later, gunpowder was invented and flintlock firearms followed suit. This caused many fighters to become a new class of gunslingers.   Becoming the largest trade hub on the planet, Portsmith continued to prosper until 208 ANW when a tragic event occurred. According to history books, one of the rich tradesmen of the city turned out to be a ancient flame dragon named Kaen in disguise. He suddenly and violently attacked the city, turning it into his own fiery lair. Kaen then split the city into 3 districts and delegated rule to powerful creatures from the Plane of Fire, the Feywild and the Shadowfell. He was also able to use the creatures captured in his initial takeover of the city to ressurect his mate who was killed by the well known Isaac Beaumont and his adventuring party.   A few month later, Isaac and his compatriots assaulted the city, intent on taking it back from Kaen. Multiple groups from around Qilorria joined the fight, and together they brought down Kaen's generals in each district of the city. Eventually they converged on Kaen himself and defeated him inside his lair. This freed the city and it began work to restore it to its former glory.   Unfortunately for Portsmith, only 2 years later the calamity impact would occur, destroying all of Qilorria in the process. Isaac and many of his allies helped teleport as many citizens of Portsmith to Adghal'Un, but in total only around 5,000 people made it. The rest perished with the destruction of the planet.

210 ANW

Founding Date
100 BNW


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