Rainbow Goddess Myth in Qinla'Un | World Anvil

Rainbow Goddess

The Rainbow Goddess is an otherwise nameless froglike goddess, worshiped by the grippli people. Outsiders believe she is just a few spirit of the forest, but the grippli people fully believe she is a goddess who looks over them. Accounts from grippli say she is a tall, froglike entity with skin that is all colors of the rainbow.   The grippli believe that the rainbow goddess provides all that they need to survive directly from the jungles, forests and deserts they inhabit. During the dark times when the majority of grippli were held captive by the Yuan-Ti and Lizardmen, the grippli believed that the Yuan-Ti god Sseth was directly preventing the Rainbow Goddess from helping her people and freeing them from their enslavement.   Roughly 300 years ago, stories began to circulate that the evil god Sseth had returned to the material word from the Abyss, and that the destruction of the grippli was imminent. They felt that soon thier entire way of life would be swallowed whole by the demon snake god. However, by a miracle that could only come from the Rainbow Goddess herself, Sseth was said to have been banished back to the Abyss, and the grippli were freed from their enslavement by the Yuan-Ti and Lizardmen. Those who were enslaved traveled north and met up with the rest of the grippli people.   Soon after this event, one grippli began to speak about dreams of the Rainbow Goddess. This individual began to show signs of magical power and could defend the people when the moment called upon her. The grippli believed this to be a sign from the Rainbow Goddess herself, and named this special position Shaman. Typically, one Shaman is born per generation, though it is thought that separate tribes each have a shaman of thier own.
It is unknown what exactly the Rainbow Goddess looks like, but descriptions of her from grippli visions depict her as a strong froglike creature, with skin featuring all colors of the rainbow. Descriptions from various sources depict her in various ways, thus leading to different accounts of her exact looks.
Rainbow Goddess


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