The Plane of Air

The Plane of Air is the most hospitable of all the Inner Planes, and because of that sees the most traveler traffic from across the multiverse. All manner of creatures visit, sometimes without even realizing it – perhaps as a result of the increased traffic, more natural portals and vortexes exist to the Plane of Air than almost any other plane. Flying creatures of all variety seek out the endless azure skies of this realm, but that doesn’t mean it’s without its dangers.
Navigating the plane requires the power of flight, but contrary to most rumors falling is not really a problem. Where is there to fall to? If a creature or object in flight loses its ability to fly while in the air, it simply hovers or is picked up by one of the strong wind gusts that permeate the never-ending sky. Larger objects, such as the various earth motes that dot the azure landscape or even a sailing ship, generate their own gravity, but escaping those bounds can be deceptively easy. Being stranded and caught in one of the dangerous storms that pepper the plane in regular intervals is the real danger.
Because of its relative safeness, the Plane of Air is home to a large variety of creatures. Many Material Plane natives with the ability to fly can be found around, but the true masters of the realm are the djinn. They keep magnificent castles built upon solid clouds, and most can be depended upon to do the right thing when pressed – but not all. Navigating the Labyrinth Winds without a guide can be frustrating for travelers, but only by doing so can such wondrous sites be visited, such as the cloud city of Calypso, the Citadel of Ice and Steel that serves as the home to the Great Caliph of the Djinn, the realm of Aaqa and its aarokocra guardians, the massive Storm of Chaos, or the mysterious Borealis Radiance.
Plane of Existence

Articles under The Plane of Air


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