The Scales of the Abyss in Qinla'Un | World Anvil

The Scales of the Abyss

An allegiance of Lizardmen and Yuan-Ti. Once a powerful empire that controlled thousands of slaves and thrived in the jungles of the eastern continent, but now just a secluded band of villages and small cities sequestered in a jungle valley. Followers of Sseth.

The Yuan-Ti
The Yuan-Ti is a serpantfolk race native to the eastern continent of Qinla'Un. They used to have a very large empire that spread across the continent, but uprisings from other local races, plus interferance by the gods of the world put a stop to their control of the land. They were pushed back to the Serpent Jungle.
The Yuan-Ti specialize in enslavement of other species, and have special magic and potions to mutate others into partial serpentfolk. Obviously this is seen as one of the most evil things any creature can do, and thus has made the Yuan-Ti enemies of nearly all other races of Qinla'Un. The only outside race who deal with them are the Deep Ones, who also specialize in the slave trade. The Deep Ones are not a part of the sepentfolk group of races, but do trade with them often.
The Lizardmen
The Lizardmen are originally an offshoot of the lizardfolk race, but were a group who felt the race was too peaceful and complacent. They felt that to survive, they had to be more warlike. These lizardfolk left their tribes near the Airy Peaks and travelled northeast, toward the mountains and jungle valleys. There they encountered the Yuan-Ti empire, who at first, saw them as a race to be conquered or enslaved. However, they found that the lizardfolk were not only immune to their magical mutations, but they were also very intelligent and could domesticate the local wildlife, namely the dinosaurs in the valley.
This was a perfect mix for the Yuan-Ti, and they were able to modify their mutations to enhance the lizardfolks physical abilities rather than fully mutate them. This was the birth of the Lizardmen race. Thought to be stronger and faster than their lizardfolk counterparts, but really they are just more aggressive and willing to subjugate others. They greatly underestimate the capabilities of the lizardfolk.
The lizardmen now worship Sseth just like the Yuan-Ti. They once worshiped the earth goddess Tonanzin, but the manipulation by the Yuan-Ti drove them to eventually hate this goddess and led them to help in the process of killing her over a millenia ago.


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