
Training can be done to make progress toward a feat, toward proficiency with a specific weapon or set of tools, toward specialized weapon maneuvers, or twoard learning a new language. A character cannot make progress toward a weapon category (such as martial or simple), they can only make progress toward a specific weapon type (such as short sword, long sword, short bow, etc.)
  • Only one Feat, one Weapon Proficiency, and one weapon maneuver can be worked toward at a time. Training cannot overlap.
  • Feat XP required starts at 1000 for your first feat, 2000 for your second, and so on.
  • Weapon Proficiency/Tool Proficiency XP required is 500 per proficiency.
  • Weapon Maneuvers XP required is 250 per weapon, learning both maneuvers for the weapon upon completion.

Weapon Maneuvers

New weapon maneuvers can be trained at any specialized training facility that allows for training in the weapon type you are looking to learn about. Training outside of these facilities is not possible as learning from masters of these weapons are the only way to learn these maneuvers.
To learn a set of maneuvers, choose a weapon type. Learning the maneuvers require 250 xp in total, with progress made as outlined below for Specialized Training Facilities. Learning the maneuvers will require multiple days of training. If a maneuver requires a creature to make a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + the attacker's proficiency bonus + the attackers Strength or Dexterity modifier (attacker's choice).

Learning New Languages

Language Proficiency can be worked toward, but requires study of a language tome or tudoring with a creature fluent in the language, time to study, and funds to pay for study materials, compensation for your instructor... or appology gifts for the people you have insulted by accidentally saying something wildly offensive in your target language. Language tomes can typically be found in town or city libraries when the language is commonly spoken and typically cost around 5gp.
It takes 250 days to become fluent in a language, as long as you spend 1gp (due to taking notes, making corrections, and using supplies) and at least 2 hours practicing or studying each of those days. You can study multiple languages at once, but progress each day can only be applied to one language.

Learning Through Failure: At conversational and Intermediate levels, failing to communicate in your target language is still a learning experience, and adds additional days to the total number of days you've studied. You must pay the extra gold (1gp per day) for those days to make up for the problems you caused when you misspoke or materials used on corrected notes, and you can only learn from failure once per day.
  • Conversational - 10-100 days. When you make an ability check while using this language, it is made with disadvantage. On a failed check, you learn from the experience and add 5 days to the total number of days you studied the language.
  • Intermediate - 101-249 days. When you make an ability check while using this language, subtract a d4 from the result. On a failed check, you learn from the experience and add 5 days to the total number of days you've studied the language.
  • Fluent - 250 days. You suffer no penalties to communicating in this language.

Training Facilities

Training without Facilities

  • The character can make minimal progress toward any training. During a long rest, the character can spend their "on watch" time working toward their goals. The creature gains 10 xp toward a single training goal, but Perception checks to spot something during watch are made at disadvantage, and passive Perception is reduced by 2..

Training with Basic Facilities

  • Any Arbiter's Guild location counts as a basic facility. Progress can be made by spending up to 8 hours per day training toward your feat or weapon goal. A total XP of 10 + (5 x the number of hours spent training) are gained by training in this way. Within 24 hours of training, the character must take a standard long rest (no special abilities count for this) or gain one level of Exhaustion.

Training with Specilized Facilities

  • Some locations on Qinla'Un are specialized for specific training, and have a master of those arts there to help teach the character. These locations tend to be in capital cities. Progress can be made by spending up to 8 hours per day training toward your feat or weapon goal. A total XP of 10 + (10 x the number of hours spent training) are gained by training in this way. Within 24 hours of training, the character must take a standard long rest (no special abilities count for this) or gain one level of Exhaustion.


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