Weather of Qinla'Un in Qinla'Un | World Anvil

Weather of Qinla'Un

The common effects weather has on the people of Qinla'Un.  

Weather Effects

Clear Skies / Light Clouds
Clear bright light during day time, view of the stars and moon at night.
  • No modifiers are added to play.

Heavy Clouds
Dense clouds cover the sky in all directions. Tops of mountains are obscured, and very tall structures may even touch the bottom of the clouds.
  • The sky is blocked. High flying aerial creatures have total cover, and outdoor light does not count as sunlight (for the purposes of sunlight sensitivity and similar traits). Checks using Navigation Tools to determine your location based on celestial observation are made with disadvantage.

Heavy Fog
A think, humid fog rolls in, coating the area and obscuring most lines of sight.
  • Perception checks that rely on sight and ranged attacks beyond 30 feet are made at disadvantage, and sight beyond 60 feet is impossible.

A constant drizzle, or maybe a light rain that nags on the skin and leaves travelers soaked after a period of time.
  • Unpleasant to travel in. If you have wagons, your travel pace is slowed by half. If you attempt to take a long rest without cover, you must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw gain the benefits for a long rest.
  • Also has the effect of Heavy Clouds.

Heavy Rain
A constant downpour, soaking a traveler in seconds without proper cover. Almost a dense haze as the rain batters the area. The constant white noise of rain drops pattering the ground and foliage.
  • Same as rain, but the DC becomes 16 to benefit from a long rest without shelter and if Heavy Rain occurs two days in a row wagon travel becomes impossible until one day without rain occurs. May cause flooding.
  • Also has the effect of Heavy Clouds.

Freezing Cold
Fingers numb, toes cannot be felt. The bitterness of the cold can claim many lives if not properly prepared for.
  • If you attempt to take a long rest without cover and heat, you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw gain the benefits for a long rest. If you fail by 5 or more, you gain an additional level of Exhaustion.

White snowflakes falling from a colorless sky. The cold is nearly unbarable, and seeing anything beyond a 60 feet seems impossible.
  • Unpleasant to travel in. All travel speed is halved. If snow occurs for two days in row, all terrain is difficult terrain and wagon travel is impossible until one day without snow passes.
  • Also has the the effect of Heavy Clouds and Freezing Cold.
  • Visibility is limited to 120 feet.

Scorching Heat
A sun blazing overhead with no cover in sight... Humidty that makes everything cling and feel horribly uncomfortable.
  • Blistering heat that is unpleasant to travel in. Creatures that attempt to travel during day light hours require twice the ration of water, and creature that travel for 4 or more hours or engage in heavy activity for 1 or more hour during the day and do not immediately take a short or long rest under cover must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or gain a level of Exhaustion.

High Winds
Winds whip clothing all around and kick dust and debris into eyes. Voices can barely be heard over the roar of the wind. Projectiles seem to be swatted right out of the air.
  • All ranged weapon attacks are at disadvantage.
  • Perception checks are made at disadvantage.

Lightning flashes, rain pours down and thunder shatters the silence of travel. Visibility is extremely limited.
  • All creatures are partially obscured if they are more than 20 feet from you.
  • Also has the effect of Rain, High Winds, Heavy Clouds.

A blistering cold wind is felt straight to the bone. Limbs freeze and exposed skin is stabbed with freezing pain.
  • At the end of every hour spend in a Blizzard, make a DC 12 Constitution saving. On failure, you take 3d4 cold damage and gain one level of exhaustion. You make this check with advantage if you have proper gear.
  • All creatures are heavily obscured if they are more than 20 feet from you.
  • All terrain is difficult terrain.
  • Also has the effect of Snow, High Winds, and Freezing Cold.

Strange Phenomena

Strange happenings can, and have, occurred all over Qinla'Un. Rare and mysterious creatures are seen, ghosts and other apparitions seem to fade in the distance, and odd changes in weather patterns are common when an event like this occurs. Travels are advised to seek shelter and avoid interactions with any creatures or stange happenings when the weather takes a turn for the weird.
Weather Roll 1d100


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