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{1104} Magical Physiologies

Course Number: 1104
Professor: Adrix and Nev
Semester(s): Spring
Course Type: General
Prerequisites: none
Relvant Skill: Animal Handling

Class Description

Magical Physiologies is an engaging and entertaining class offered by Professors Adrix and Nev at Strixhaven University. This general class provides students with a unique opportunity to explore and comprehend the diverse range of magical physiologies found across the planes. Through hands-on experiences and theoretical knowledge, students gain a deeper understanding of how magical creatures' anatomies and abilities differ from those of non-magical beings.  

Course Content


Introduction to Magical Creatures

The class begins with an introduction to the vast array of magical creatures inhabiting the planes. Students learn about the different classifications, such as elemental beings, shapeshifters, mythical creatures, and other magical entities. They study the fundamental characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses associated with various magical physiologies.  

Comparative Anatomy

This section focuses on the comparative study of magical and non-magical anatomies. Students analyze the structures, organs, and physical attributes of magical creatures, comparing them to those of non-magical beings. Through dissections, magical simulations, and observation of preserved specimens, students gain firsthand knowledge of the unique adaptations and physical traits exhibited by magical creatures.  

Magical Abilities and Manifestations

Students explore the connection between magical physiology and the abilities displayed by different magical creatures. They investigate how magical energy is harnessed and channeled within these creatures, leading to extraordinary powers, elemental control, and other magical manifestations. Through interactive experiments and demonstrations, students witness firsthand how magical physiology influences the expression of these abilities.  

Environmental Adaptations

This section delves into the ways in which magical creatures have adapted to their respective environments. Students study how magical physiologies have evolved to thrive in diverse habitats, including underwater realms, ethereal planes, enchanted forests, and volcanic landscapes. They gain insights into the interplay between magical physiology, environmental factors, and survival strategies employed by magical creatures.  

Ethical Considerations and Conservation

Adrix and Nev emphasize the importance of ethical considerations when studying magical physiologies. Students engage in discussions surrounding the conservation and responsible interaction with magical creatures. They explore the implications of magical creature habitats, conservation efforts, and the preservation of magical biodiversity. The professors encourage students to appreciate and respect the creatures they encounter, fostering a sense of responsibility and environmental stewardship.  

Teaching Style

Adrix and Nev employ a combination of theoretical instruction, hands-on activities, and field trips to engage students in the study of magical physiologies. They encourage active participation, allowing students to directly interact with magical creatures (under controlled and safe circumstances) and learn through firsthand experiences. The professors provide guidance and ensure the ethical treatment of creatures throughout the course.   Through Magical Physiologies, Adrix and Nev inspire a sense of wonder and curiosity about the intricacies of magical beings. They aim to broaden students' perspectives by encouraging them to appreciate the diversity and beauty of magical physiologies. By combining theoretical knowledge with practical experiences, the class prepares students to understand, respect, and responsibly interact with magical creatures they may encounter throughout their magical journey.


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