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{1310} Computational Magic

Course Number: 1310
Professor: Adrix and Nev
Semester(s): Spring
Course Type: Blue
Prerequisites: Enrollment in Prismari College or Quandix College; or approval from Dean Uvilda or Dean Imbraham to take Blue classes
Relvant Skill: Arcana


Class Description

Computational Magic is an advanced class taught by Professors Adrix and Nev at Strixhaven University. Blending the principles of Blue mana with logical analysis and problem-solving, this class explores the fascinating realm of Computational Magic. Students delve into the intricate relationship between magic and the manipulation of symbolic systems, utilizing algorithms, logical operations, and symbolic reasoning to enhance their spellcasting abilities.

Course Content


Introduction to Computational Magic

The class begins with an introduction to the foundations of Computational Magic, bridging the realms of magic and logical thinking. Students gain insights into the historical applications and philosophical underpinnings of computational techniques in spellcasting. They explore how the systematic manipulation of symbols and logical operations can amplify their magical abilities.

Symbolic Systems in Magic

Students learn to understand and create symbolic systems specifically designed for spellcasting purposes. They explore the language of symbols and how they represent magical concepts and intentions. Through practical exercises, students develop their proficiency in manipulating and combining symbolic representations to design powerful spells and enchantments.

Logical Analysis in Divination

This section focuses on the application of logical analysis techniques in the realm of divination. Students learn to analyze patterns, make deductions, and draw conclusions from magical phenomena using logical reasoning. They delve into the exploration of magical data sets and the extraction of meaningful insights to enhance their predictive abilities.

Symbolic Algorithms in Spellcasting

Students explore the use of symbolic algorithms to optimize their spellcasting processes. They learn how to design and apply step-by-step procedures that utilize logical operations to streamline magical tasks and increase spellcasting efficiency. Through hands-on projects, students develop their own symbolic algorithms tailored to their magical specialties.

Ethical Considerations and Symbolic Fairness

Adrix and Nev emphasize the ethical considerations involved in computational magic. Students engage in discussions about fairness, transparency, and the potential biases that can arise when manipulating symbolic systems in spellcasting. They explore the responsibility of computational mages to ensure unbiased outcomes and equitable treatment in their magical practices.

Teaching Style

Adrix and Nev employ a combination of theoretical instruction, practical exercises, and collaborative discussions to teach Computational Magic. They encourage students to think critically, analyze magical problems systematically, and apply logical reasoning to their spellcasting. The professors foster a supportive and intellectually stimulating environment, where students can explore the intricacies of Computational Magic and expand their magical capabilities.
  Through Computational Magic, Adrix and Nev empower students to harness the power of logical analysis and symbolic manipulation in their spellcasting endeavors. By understanding and applying symbolic systems, logical operations, and systematic reasoning, students gain a deeper understanding of the underlying principles of magic. With these tools, they are poised to become adept problem solvers and innovative magical practitioners, pushing the boundaries of magical knowledge and discovery.


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