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{2223} Electro-choreography

Course Number: 2223
Professor: Zaffai, Thunder Conductor
Semester(s): Spring
Course Type: Red
Prerequisites: Enrollment in Lorehold College or Prismari College; or approval from Dean Plargg or Dean Nassari to take red classes
Relevant Skill: Acrobatics

Class Description

Step into the electrifying world of dance and harness the raw power of lightning in this exhilarating red class taught by Zaffai, the Maestro of Expression. In Electro-Choreography, students will explore the fusion of kinetic movement and explosive energy, discovering how to create mesmerizing performances that dazzle the senses. This course is designed to push the boundaries of traditional dance forms and unleash the dynamic potential of red mana.  

Course Content

Understanding the Elemental Connection

Delve into the fundamentals of red mana and its inherent connection to lightning. Explore how the energy of lightning can be channeled through dance movements, infusing performances with captivating intensity.  

Kinetic Expressions

Learn techniques for translating emotions and intentions into expressive movements. Experiment with dynamic footwork, powerful leaps, and rapid spins to embody the fierce and passionate essence of red mana.  

Choreographic Fireworks

Explore the art of creating visually stunning routines that synchronize with bursts of magical sparks and crackling energy. Discover the interplay between rhythm, tempo, and elemental flair, igniting the stage with explosive displays.  

Embracing Improvisation

Embrace spontaneity and the spirit of improvisation in your dance. Unleash your creativity in freestyle sessions, allowing the fiery energy of red mana to guide your movements and ignite moments of artistic brilliance.  

Collaborative Performance

Experience the power of teamwork as you collaborate with fellow students to create a group performance. Combine your individual styles, synchronize movements, and amplify the visual impact of your dance with synchronized bursts of lightning.  

Emotional Resonance

Explore the connection between music, movement, and emotions. Learn how to infuse your performances with heartfelt expressions, captivating audiences with the raw intensity and authenticity of your dance.  

Teaching Style

Zaffai's teaching style reflects his chaotic neutral nature and his belief in the power of free thinking and individual expression. As a passionate and talented musician and mage, he encourages his students to embrace their unique artistic voices and push the boundaries of conventional thinking.


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