BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

{3446} Life Auras and Necrosis

Course Number: 3446
Professor: Verelda Lang
Semester(s): Spring
Course Type: Green
Prerequisites: Enrollment in Quandrix College or Witherbloom College; or approval from Dean Kianne or Dean Lisette to take green classes
Relevant Skill: Medicine


Class Description

Life Auras and Necrosis is a green magic class taught by Verelda Lang, a renowned professor who embraces the chaotic nature of magic. This course delves into the intricate balance between life and death energies, exploring the concepts of life auras and the study of necrosis. Students will explore the interplay between these opposing forces, gaining a deeper understanding of the natural world and the magic that flows through it.

Course Content


Life Auras and Harmony

Students will delve into the study of life auras, exploring the vibrant and pulsating energies that surround living beings. The course will cover the principles of harnessing and channeling these auras for healing, restoration, and attunement with nature. Students will learn how to sense and interpret life auras, developing their intuition and connection with the living world.

Ecological Balance and Restoration

This section of the course focuses on the importance of maintaining ecological balance and restoring damaged environments. Students will study the intricate web of life and learn practical applications of green magic to nurture and heal ecosystems. They will explore spells and rituals that promote growth, regeneration, and the harmonious coexistence of flora and fauna.

Necrosis and Decay

In this part of the course, students will delve into the study of necrosis, the natural process of decay and decomposition. They will explore the role of necrosis in the cycle of life, understanding its significance in the natural order. Students will learn to wield necrotic energies responsibly, exploring spells and rituals that aid in the transformation and recycling of organic matter.

Teaching Style

Verelda Lang, fosters an environment where students are encouraged to embrace their individuality and think outside the box. Verelda's teaching style revolves around promoting free thinking, creativity, and exploration.


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