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Kingdom Details

Kingdom of Brædor

Symbol of Braedor


Alignment: LG
Government Type: Dynasty
Prominanant Deities: Corellon Larethian, Pelor, Pholtus, The Cat Lord, and Yondalla
Primary Coinage: Bread Coins (Brædor)
Secondary Coinage: Realm Coin (C)
Motto: Gold in Peace, Steel in War


Brædor was founded 800 years ago by King Bryzunroth, the noble. The land in that time was wild and untamed but the King and his knights of Brædor created a safe haven in the village of Staris, located in the hills. Over the years the kingdom expanded it borders until it began cultivate the forests to the north.   This eventually brought about the ire of the druids of Silvershade who resided in those woods, resulting in skirmishes between the groups. It was at this time that sleepless guardians known as warforged were created to help combat the druids. Eventually a treaty was signed where Brædor agreed to not develop the lands any further north.   So, they began to expand south instead. This expansion south brought them into contact with the elves that lived there, which rapidly turned into a second conflict. In exchange for the western coast the druids of the north allied with Brædor in the war against the elves. But there was a dispute amongst those living closest to the elves. They wanted peace while Brædor was still hungry for more land. This eventually caused the kingdom to split, giving rise to the southern kingdom of Cirus. Bereft of support, Brædor's troops were forced to withdrawl, while the Druids of Silvershade, the Elven kingdom of Qilynn, and the Kingdom of Cirus divided up the peninsula amongst themselves.   This brought about the end of Brædor's age of expansion and thus began a 350 year period of peaceful prosperity. Fifty years ago the elves started demanding that lands be turned over to them that "used to be theirs". The Druids gave in allowing the elves to reclaim what turned out to be a strategic location. After fortifying the area for a little over 2 decades they started launching Raids against Brædor. A decisive battle was won at the besieged town of Thornpond. This lead to a truce that has lasted for 20 years. But it's unknown if such a truce will hold.
Alignment: The kingdom’s alignment represents the majority outlook and behavior of the people within that kingdom when they’re considered as a group. Individual citizens and even some leaders may be of different alignments.

Government: This entry lists how the settlement is governed and ruled.

Dynasty: Power is concentrated in the hands of a single family or a small group of closely related, inter-married families. These elites have ruled the kingdom since its inception, and manipulated the power structure to ensure they remain in power.

Coinage: These entries lists what coin sets are accepted in major towns and cities directly. Smaller settlements typically only accept the primary coin. Any other kind of coin must be converted by a money changer into one of the listed coin sets.
Realm Coin (C)

Realm Coin (C)