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Kingdom Details

Kingdom of Silvershade


Alignment: N
Government Type: Council
Prominanant Deities: Beory, Ehlonna, Obad-Hai, Ralishaz, Skerrit
Primary Coinage: Gems and Pearls
Secondary Coinage: Realm Coin (C)
Motto: We were, we are, we will be
  Known by their neighbors as simply the Silvershade druids. This kingdom is more expansive than their neighbors realize. This is largely because much of their populace is hidden amongst the trees in a very literal sense.  

The Eternal Dream

  Most citizens of the kingdom exist in what is called the eternal dream. The Eternal Dream is a mystical and magical place that exists within the Silvershade druid society. The foundation of this world is the Silvershade bloom, a plant that has the unique ability to communicate with other plants of its kind through magic. The druids have harnessed this ability to create a virtual world that is accessible to those who have the knowledge and the magic to enter it.   Each citizen is tied to a specific tree or bush similar to the link dryads form with their soul tree. Each of these trees and bushes are connected to the surrounding plant life which in turn is connected to the plant life around it. As a result every single citizen is connected to the vast forest that makes up the Silvershade Kingdom and vise versa. Each citizen draws the nourishment they require from the plants they are connected to. As a result the plants that house citizens have distinctive black colored bark and semi-transparent leaves.   Once inside the Eternal Dream, the citizens are able to manipulate their surroundings with their imagination and their magic. They can create anything they desire, from buildings and landscapes to creatures and other beings. The possibilities are endless, and they are only limited by their own creativity and magical prowess.   In the Eternal Dream, the druids have their every need provided for, as long as the Silvershade plants are protected and allowed to flourish. Within the virtual world each citizen has the equivalent of a magnificent mansion that is their home whose dimensions are directly proportional to the size of the plant that houses their lifeforce. However, their minds are not confined to their own homes. They may travel the "roads" that connect the homes as well as visit "public buildings", which are really just part of the giant oaks that some of the silvershade's most prominent members reside within. As a result the entire kingdom is essentially a single massive city, visible only to it's citizens.   The wardens of the Silvershade plants are highly respected in the society, as they protect the foundation of the Eternal Dream and the way of life of the Silvershade druids. The Eternal Dream is the Silvershade druids' greatest secret, and they guard it closely, knowing that its continued existence is essential to their society's survival and wellbeing.   It should be noted that non-citizens who are not druids, dryads or Treants can not physically manifest in the world and only exist as their "true race" within the virutal world. Because certain linages have existed for so long without a phsyical form they have become changlings.  


  Most citizens are not druids, though most can trace their lineage back to a druid. Occasionally, a contemporary non-druid will be allowed to join the society by performing some service to the Silvershade Kingdom, though such occurrences are extremely rare. However, members are encouraged to become druids as they provide valuable service to the kingdom. Every 30 citizens are placed under the charge of a "Physician" a druid that is skilled in healing. it is their duty to make sure their clutch is kept healthy and happy. Every 10 Physicians is placed under the protection of a local warden. A Druid that deals with concerns and threats that exist in the real world that could adversely affect the citizens under their care. However, the kingdom also has a military group known as the swarm who are combat trained druids that get sent in to assist wardens with threats that are too big for them to handle on their own.   Because most creatures external to the Silvershade kingdom encounter wardens or swarm druids they mistakenly assume that every member of the Silvershade kingdom is a druid, a misconception that the druids have little reason to correct.   There are of course druids that are not officially wardens or members of the swarm, that are allowed to pursue other pursuits. However, only after agreeing to be part of the reserve army. A group ready to take up arms should a war occur with the kingdom's neighbors.  

The Council

  The governing body of the silvershade druids consists of a council made up of the kingdom's most powerful members. Most are druids but there are a few Dryads and Treents which tend to be the oldest and wisest members. They handle any disputes that can not be handled at lower levels, which is rare since most citizens have their every need met. They also make decisions regarding the outside world that will impact the kingdom. This mostly means aggressively defending their borders while making sure isolated incidents do not result in a war. Most diplomats that get sent to neighboring kingdoms are members of the council.  


Changelings in the Silvershade kingdom are unique in that they are born in the Eternal Dream, the virtual world created by the Silvershade druids using the magical properties of the silvershade bloom. These citizens are different from other others in that they never established a "true" identity for themselves within the Eternal Dream. As a result, their ability to alter their form and adopt different personas persists even after leaving the Eternal Dream and entering the physical world.   The Silvershade kingdom actively recruits these changelings as spies, due to their ability to blend in and adapt to any situation. They are trained in the art of espionage and often work alongside the wardens and swarm druids to gather information and complete missions that require a certain level of subterfuge and secrecy.   Changelings in the Silvershade kingdom are highly valued for their abilities, and they are given a certain level of respect and autonomy within the society. However, they are also closely monitored by the Silvershade council to ensure that their loyalty to the kingdom remains steadfast.   Overall, changelings in the Silvershade kingdom occupy a unique position within the society, and their abilities are used to further the kingdom's goals while also providing them with a sense of purpose and belonging.  


The Silvershade kingdom's religion primarily revolves around five deities: Beory, Ehlonna, Obad-Hai, Ralishaz, and Skerrit. Beory is a goddess who is concerned with the fate and prosperity of the entire world, and her clerics spend much of their time communing with nature. Ehlonna is the goddess of the forests who teaches that the animals and plants of the forests are gifts and not to be stolen. Obad-Hai is the god who teaches to live in harmony with nature and to maintain the natural balance, and his faith is colder and less compassionate than Ehlonna's. Ralishaz is the god of Chance, Ill Luck, Misfortune, and Insanity, and his clerics are a curious combination of fatalism and recklessness. Finally, Skerrit is the god of centaurs and satyrs who venerate neutrality and maintain the equilibrium in the forests, allowing all forest creatures to fulfill their natural roles.  

Fade Heart

Fade Heart is a devastating mental illness that affects a small portion of the population in the Silvershade kingdom. The disease is characterized by an overwhelming feeling of emptiness and a compulsion to engage in increasingly dangerous activities. Those afflicted by it often turn to the worship of Ralishaz, the god of Chance, Ill Luck, Misfortune, and Insanity, in an attempt to alleviate their symptoms.   Symptoms of Fade Heart typically begin to manifest during adolescence or early adulthood and gradually worsen over time. Affected individuals may start to feel disconnected from their own emotions and the world around them. They may experience a sense of numbness or apathy that makes it difficult to find meaning or purpose in life. As the disease progresses, individuals may become increasingly impulsive and reckless, seeking out risky behaviors and dangerous situations in an attempt to feel something, anything.   The cause of Fade Heart is not well understood, but it is believed to be related to the unique nature of the Eternal Dream, the realm in which the citizens of the Silvershade kingdom are born and raised. It is thought that the disease may be linked to the way in which individuals form their identities within the Dream, with those who fail to establish a strong sense of self being more susceptible to the illness. There is also a genetic component to the disease, with only those whose families have lived in the Silvershade kingdom for generations being at risk of developing it.   Unfortunately, there is no known cure for Fade Heart. Treatment typically involves managing symptoms through therapy and medication, although many individuals with the disease resist treatment due to the allure of risky behaviors and the worship of Ralishaz. The disease is not openly discussed in the Silvershade kingdom, with many affected individuals and their families fearing the social stigma and shame that can come with being labeled as "sick" or "broken." This lack of awareness and understanding only serves to perpetuate the cycle of suffering for those afflicted by this devastating disease.
Alignment: The kingdom’s alignment represents the majority outlook and behavior of the people within that kingdom when they’re considered as a group. Individual citizens and even some leaders may be of different alignments.

Government: This entry lists how the settlement is governed and ruled.

Council: A group of councilors, often composed of guild masters or members of the aristocracy, leads the kingdom.

Coinage: These entries lists what coin sets are accepted in major towns and cities directly. Smaller settlements typically only accept the primary coin. Any other kind of coin must be converted by a money changer into one of the listed coin sets.
Realm Coin (C)

Realm Coin (C)


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