BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Prismari Course Catalog

Degree in Elemental Arts (Rx8 Ux8 ◊x8)

The Path to Perfection

Year 1
  • Fall (◊◊◊|Rx0 Ux0 ◊x3)
    • Basic Magic Auras (◊)
    • Introduction to Magic (◊)
    • ROMF I - Heritage and Values (◊)
  • Spring (◊◊◊|Rx0 Ux0 ◊x6)
    • Magical Physiologies (◊)
    • ROMF II - Team and Leadership Fundamentals (◊)
    • Linguistics in Spellcasting (◊)
Year 2
  • Fall (U◊◊|Rx0 Ux1 ◊x8)
    • Introduction to Illusory Arts (U)
    • ROMF III - Security and Prep for Active Duty (◊)
    • Applied Magic (◊)
  • Spring (UUU|Rx0 Ux4 ◊x8)
    • Computational Magic (U)
    • Applied Illusory Arts (U)
    • Extradimensional Architecture I (U)
Year 3
  • Fall (RRU|Rx2 Ux5 ◊x8)
    • History of Magic and Art (R)
    • Pyromancy and the Arts (R)
    • Introductory Aesthemancy (U)
  • Spring (RRU|Rx4 Ux6 ◊x8)
    • Electro-choreography (R)
    • Controlled Explosions (R)
    • Disbelief and how to overcome it (U)
Year 4
  • Fall (RRU|Rx6 Ux7 ◊x8)
    • History of Magical Mishaps (R)
    • Eldritch and Arcane Performances I (R)
    • Extradimensional Architecture II (U)
  • Spring (RRU|Rx8 Ux8 ◊x8)
    • Eldritch and Arcane Performances II (R)
    • Advanced Controlled Explosions (R)
    • Advanced Aesthemancy (U)

The Path of Expression

Year 1
  • Fall (◊◊◊|Rx0 Ux0 ◊x3)
    • Outdoor and Leisure Activities (◊)
    • Basic Magic Auras (◊)
    • Introduction to Magic (◊)
  • Spring (◊◊◊|Rx0 Ux0 ◊x6)
    • Arcane Microeconomics (◊)
    • Linguistics in Spellcasting (◊)
    • Scrivening and Symbology (◊)
Year 2
  • Fall (R◊R|Rx2 Ux0 ◊x7)
    • Practical Pyrotechnics (R)
    • Applied Magic (◊)
    • Turning Inner Fire into Outer Flames (R)
  • Spring (◊RR|Rx4 Ux0 ◊x8)
    • Historical Figures in Magic (◊)
    • Controlled Explosions (R)
    • Principles of Warsinging I (R)
Year 3
  • Fall (URU|Rx5 Ux2 ◊x8)
    • Introduction to Illusory Arts (U)
    • Eldritch and Arcane Performances I (R)
    • Quantitative Arcanophysics (U)
  • Spring (UUR|Rx6 Ux4 ◊x8)
    • Applied Illusory Arts (U)
    • Advanced Abstraction (U)
    • Advanced Controlled Explosions (R)
Year 4
  • Fall (UUR|Rx7 Ux6 ◊x8)
    • Advanced Illusory Arts (U)
    • Introductory Aesthemancy (U)
    • Principles of Warsinging II (R)
  • Spring (RUU|Rx8 Ux8 ◊x8)
    • Eldritch and Arcane Performances II (R)
    • Abstract Quantium Phenominum (U)
    • Advanced Aesthemancy (U)


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