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Session 10: Zewyn's Elven -HA

General Summary

The Heroes
Argalyn De'Carley {Half-elf Barbarian}
Auric Ursas {Dwarf Cleric}
Callie {Tabaxi Ranger}
Despair {Tiefling Warlock}
Emet-Selch {Vedalken Artificer}
Eralyse Sarrallon {Aasimar Paladin}
Irelyn {Elf Ranger}
Jon Mastiff {Human Wizard}
Mala {Aarakocra Monk}
Mellow Leaf {Tabaxi Ranger}

Current Year:756


One moment you are traveling to Oldmore. The next moment you all find yourselves seated in a finely made carriage. Several letters with seals sit before you. Additionally, each of you notices that a colored string has been tied to the index finger of each of you.   Eralyse (blue) Jon (red) Mellow Leaf (blue) Emet-Selch (red) Mala (purple)   The first sealed letter bears the kingdom seal. Upon close examination, you can see imperfections in the wax suggesting the letter has been previously read and the seal mended with a mending spell.   It reads as follows
Congraulations on defeating Zadkeil. Unfortunately, the victory must be cut short as I need you to return to Staris. I will send a carriage to collect you in oldmore. It will bring you to the De'carly diplomat home. It's a home normally reserved for diplomatic guests of the Warden to stay in. I made arrangements to meet there because with everything going on it's the only place I could be sure that all of us could meet in safety. I'll explain further when you arrive.
— Zewyn
  The letter is signed and sealed with Zewyn's credentials.   Letter number 2 is addressed to Eralyse and has the House De'carly seal upon it. This one shows similar alterations as if the seal had been restored with a mending spell.  
Dame Eralyse, I have heard nothing but good things about you. It is my understanding that your group, under Aleus's direction, was able to vanquish a villain of considerable power. It is for this reason I have a request. You are welcome to refuse, but I would consider it a great honor if you were to accept. My son Argalyn has recently proven himself of taking on additional responsibilities. But I do worry about his safety and I know not the quality of those he's been hanging around. I would like for you to watch over him and send me a report on his capabilities and the character of his friends. You will be meeting with his group at my diplomatic home in Staris to deal with a matter that concerns Aleus. I trust your judgment on him, though I already have some idea of what you'll find. I just need confirmation.
— Warden Vallis De'Carley
  The letter is signed and sealed with Warden Vallis De'Carley's credentials.   The third document is a strange blue paper that feels slightly electric to the touch. When you pick it up words begin to appear  
ah good, the mithril tweezers worked. You are probably a bit confused, but don't worry it will all make sense.... eventually. Zadkeil really is dead and those letters are real. You are currently a few hours outside of Staris. As far as Zewyn is concerned you never forgot anything and for the time being, it's probably best that you don't tell her differently. She has already spoken with you between now and your last memory and you don't want her sidelining you for the rescue over concerns. It's vitally important that you meet Harron. Even if her fire-eyed rabbit is a bit creepy. What else... oh yeah the letter. So, you found a letter, it burned up after you read it. It said that Auberon was working for someone named Emerande. But here's the important thing. Everyone thinks Emerande is a demon, but the big secret is that she's not. She's a parasite that can mind control those she attaches herself to. Auberon actually resisted her influence but never realized she wasn't the demon he thought she was due to his own greed. She's the one that tried to destroy Bromwich, yes that Bromwhich the one with the mining town with the mirror. Anyway, what she did there was intended to be a test run of what she plans to do to Braedor. It seems that she was the one that arranged for Auberon's lab to be set up in Oldmore and she was the one pulling the strings of those Enlightened Curator Bastards. A woman named despair and her friends will be very interested to learn this. Oh yeah, one other thing. If you find yourself questioning why I did what I did. The answer is simple, it's because I wanted to prove to you that I am who you think I am and that this is what you think this is. Good luck and have fun. Also, the whole sister thing. I mean I get it, but it's just weird.


Each group finds themselves in the sitting area of a very fine mansion in the capital city of Staris. The place is unfamiliar to all but one of you. For this is the diplomatic home of the De'Carley family. Soldiers stand by every entryway and the outside looked more like a miniature castle than a home. After a few moments, Zewyn arrives and there's a palatable nervousness surrounding the guards. Zewyn gives them the opportunity to wait outside while she spoke with her guests. But one of the soldiers responds.  
I'm sorry ma'am but my orders are clear. I am to keep this room secure and... and I can't do that if I'm not inside of it.
— Guard
  Zewyn shrugs and addresses the group.  
I'm sorry about the extra security and that I've been forced to recall you. All ten of you have been working for me and there was a third group of 5 dealing with situations similar to the ones you've been dealing with. Unfortunately, it seems they bit off a bit more than they could handle. Like you they were able to corner their quarry. Unfortunately, when they struck most of their members were killed. My information tells me that one of them survived and is being held by the enemy. I would like you to go in and retrieve the remaining member as well as the information they gathered. Their quarry is as big of a threat as the ones you chase and while I hate to ask this of you, you'll need to pick up where they left off.
— Zewyn
  She answers a few questions the group had before continuing.  
The other group consisted of Zura a Tabaxi Ranger, Jerry a Simic Rogue, Harron a Harengon Artificer, Erim a Human Druid, and Araleth a Dragonborn Monk. The information I have indicates that Harron is being held in a secret chamber beneath the Whitland Estate. They are an influential family with a questionable past. Recently they've been holding a series of parties in order to increase their influence through illicit means. We could raid the place but all that would do is guarantee Harron's death as well as the destruction of any useful information. I propose a two-pronged approach instead.
— Zewyn
  Zewyn pulls out a map of the mansion and lays it on the table.  
The first group which I have dubbed Songbird will walk in the front door. Weapons aren't allowed and armor will draw suspicion so the group will need to operate on social skills and subterfuge. They will make their way into the restricted area here. There is a lever in this guard room that will open the backdoor located here.   This back door will be the 2nd group which I've dubbed Ironclaw. This door is a fair distance from the rest of the estate and will be guarded. Ironclaw will need to knock out the guards before Songbird pulls the lever. Otherwise, they will sound an alarm. Once Ironclaw is inside they will need to change into servant uniforms that I will provide. Then both groups will proceed to this location. There is a vault located there which Songbird should be able to get open. Inside is a map that will show you how to access the secret area. My divinations tell me there are two ways in. One of them is hidden in plain view in the area guests are allowed to access. The second way in is in the house proper. Obviously, Songbird should be able to use the 1st entrance while Ironclaw should be able to use the second. Ironclaw will also deliver to songbird any equipment they were unable to walk into the front door with.   Before you leave, I will be placing a spell upon each of you. With one command word, it will whisk you and one other person back here. It will also be set to trigger if you get too close to death. I can't afford the capture of any more of you.
— Zewyn
  Zewyn sighs and addresses Argalyn  
Your father insists that you, in particular, should survive. I've convinced him that having Eralyse with you will be more than sufficient to this end. So, while you may decide amongst yourselves who should be in songbird and who should be in Ironclaw, the two of you must be in the same group. I can provide both groups will appropriate transportation and clothing but once you are inside I'll be cut off thanks to certain wards in place on the estate's grounds.
— Zewyn
  After some heated discussion the group decided to split themselves as follows:
Song Bird
Auric Ursas
Iron Claw
Argalyn De'Carley
Eralyse Sarrallon
Jon Mastiff
Mellow Leaf


Songbird arrives via carriage at the front gates of the mansion just after the sun has set. You see all kinds of individuals in formal dress passing through the main entrance. As you approach golden snow floats through the air falling upon everyone that even gets near the entrance. You see individuals in servant uniforms placed at regular intervals not only along the walkway but patrolling the grounds. The suits they wear look slightly ill-fitting thanks to the sheer muscle beneath their clothes and their movements are those of trained warriors. Getting close to one reveals that they wear a number of hidden weapons that could be easily retrieved.   Songbird arrives inside the main ballroom. Strangely, while your invitation is confirmed no one's entrance is being announced. It seems that if someone wants to you know who they are they would prefer to tell you to your face. This also means, thankfully, that most of the other guests deliberately avoid engaging with you. But who knows who's here and if someone were to recognize you it would probably be bad. You see the place you need to get to on the far side of the room. A guard is stationed at the door, which will need to be dealt with discreetly.   Songbird is able to weave its way through the ballroom after getting pulled into some exhausting conversations. But eventually, you find yourself in the endless hallways of the estate. Unfortunately, much like the outside of the house, these halls are regularly patrolled. Thanks to the information you were provided with, however, you know that you're only two locked doors away from getting to your destination. Songbird was able to quickly navigate these halls and eventually found the room that was their destination.  
Ironclaw similarly arrives via carriage to the mansion. The road is hidden behind several manicured bushes. Beyond you see the gate Zewyn told you about. A dozen guards stand at the entrance. However, after observing them for a moment you realize that only about 3 of them seem to be watching attentively. Eight of them seem to shamble about drunkenly in messy guard uniforms, while the last one, who isn't even wearing his uniform, looks to be asleep under a tree.   Ironclaw quickly discovered that the "messy" guards were nothing more than a bunch of badly dressed zombies. The group was able to dispatch the guards but soon discovered that the sleeping man was actually a druid, a druid that matched the description they were given of one of the members of the 3rd group.  


Ironclaw takes a moment to change into the uniforms zewyn provided them with and then they make their way across the grounds to a servant entrance with a covered wheelbarrow containing everyone's gear and weapons. Unfortunately, there is a snag. On of the servants is leaning against the wall next to said door taking a break and he's spotted you. The elf squints his eyes and shouts out  
o! what are the lot of you doing out here sneaking around like this? Explain yourselves before I scream for the boss
— Suspcious Servant
Meanwhile, Songbird slips into the office where the vault is located, and then you all hear a whisper that seems to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once.  
My master said I should be on the lookout for anyone acting suspiciously. tsk tsk, you are very suspicious indeed
— Jerry
  The group had to fight off the group of ettercaps without the use of their normal weapons or gear and one of the creatures was more than he appeared to be. He called himself Jerry and seemed to use blades formed of pure psionic energy. He strongly reminded the group of one of the individuals that were part of the 3rd group.  


After Songbird lays the last spider person low they set to work with the vault. Strangely, there doesn't seem to be any mechanism to open the thing, much less a lock to pick.  
Ironclaw convinces the staff person that it's best for everyone if she just lets them get on their way. After all, the boss asked for these supplies 20 minutes ago and are likely already going to get an earful over it. She commiserates and wishes them good luck.   Ironclaw now finds themselves in the kitchens. A massive place where for the most part everyone is too busy running around doing things to give the group much pause. But they'd best hurry before they catch the attention of someone who is actually in charge. As it will be harder to explain things to them. They do spot where they need to go through. A door on the far side of the room with a guard standing watch.   Ironclaw makes it past the guard and is soon able to meet up with Songbird  


Ironclaw arrives at the office just as Songbird gets the vault open. Just as Zewyn described you are able to locate a map that shows additional details that Zewyn's map lacked. Namely the location of two entrances to something called the dark workshop. One entrance is located within the greenhouse located on the grounds. The other one is a fountain next to the main dining hall. If the group leaves now they should arrive just as dinner is being served which will hopefully give a big enough window to get into the fountain before someone comes looking for them.   Since the greenhouse is where much of the fresh vegetables are grown, the kitchen staff wouldn't be entirely out of place.   After some discussion, the groups decide to keep their current configuration with Songbird proceeding to the fountain and Ironclaw proceeding to the greenhouse.  


Songbird arrives at the fountain described in the map and while it indicated that it could be opened by flipping several levers, you don't see anything that looks like a lever. Even worse you've caught the attention of some guests that are late arrivals to the dining area. Two of them looking a bit... disheveled.  
Ironclaw is able to make it to the Greenhouse without incident. That is until they get inside. You hear a strange birdcall, which is then accompanied by a spray of thorns thrown at you. The bushes around you seem alive with malice.  


Songbird finally convinces the couple to head on to dinner without them and releases the final hidden catch. A set of stairs open up granting access to an underground area. As you descend the stairs gentle flames spring to life on the walls illuminating your path.  
You arrive in a large room where a Dragonborn sits in a stone chair surrounded by 3 impressive-looking stone braziers with reliefs of dragons upon them their mouths aimed up and filled with magical flames. He smiles at you.  
I wondered if anyone was going to be stupid enough to use the front door, lucky for me they were.
— Araleth
  As he takes on a fighting stance the braziers shift, becoming stone dragons that rush forward to attack.   Ironclaw once again found themselves face to face with someone that resembled someone that had been described to them as being part of the 3rd group. It seemed that whoever was behind the attack had not killed everyone but instead had brought them under their control. Hopefully, they could rescue the Herrengon before she suffered a similar fate.  
After a prolonged battle, the greenhouse finally goes silent as Ironclaw deals with the remaining enemy and is able to locate the pond where the entrance is.  


Both groups now find themselves in the underground halls. Just as they are trying to figure out where to go you spot a small mechanical rabbit with flaming red eyes. It seems to spot the group and hops about excitedly. But before you can approach it leaps away as a guard appears.  
There you are! You're not going to get away from me this time.
— Guard
  The mechanical rabbit gives the group an almost pleading look before being forced to flee from the guard.   Each group was able to save their respective rabbits which lead them to a chamber deep within the underground complex.  


Each group is able to lose the guard and escape with their tiny mechanical friend. You step into a large chamber that looks to be a workshop. Each group enters through an opposite door. In the center of the room is a table with a mechanical herragon strapped down. Its head is a disassembled heap off to one side and one of its legs is only partially built. You then see a flesh and blood Harengon appear out of the shadows near it that looks similar to the one being built. She smiles broadly.  
you arrived, I wish I could have finished my second sister first, but it's fine. Master Anuwix will be pleased when I capture Zewyn's other pets I look forward to working with you.
— Harron
  A mechanical Herengon steps out from behind the flesh and blood one and speaks with the same voice
but I suppose you're not going to come quietly
— Harron V2.0
  The groups joined forces against the rabbit artificer and her rabbit form creations. However, regardless of the situation, the group decided to capture both Harron and her mechanical copy, by making use of the enchantment Zewyn had put upon them. Once they were rendered unconscious captured the remaining group enacted their enchantments in order to escape combat with the giant mechanical rabbits and the guards that were sure to be upon their position soon.  


  Upon returning with the prisoners and information gathered from the safe Zewyn took a few days going over everything. She then gathered the groups again and went over what information she had. After some discussion decisions were made about which group would deal with the menaces that overcame Zewyn's 3rd group. She hopes that she'll be able to discover what happened to Harron but for now feels its safest to keep her in stasis.   The Other group also shares the following letter with you.
I suggest staying away from Oldmore for a few weeks. I made a deal with QuanZec, the one that sent that druid messenger in black robes and silver trim, you know the one. It seems one of his minions wants to set up some kind of Shondae device there. You draw too much attention to yourself and I don't want to expose the group I've worked so hard at infiltrating and taking over. Hopefully, this Zadkeil of his doesn't get them killed or worse exposed.
— Emerande

Rewards Granted

  • 25,000 gold pieces
  • Information

Missions/Quests Completed

Beautiful Ballroom Break-in (Song Bird)
  • Walk in through the front door un-noticed
  • Release the Gate for Iron Claw to enter
  • Locate the hidden Safe and Retrieve the documents from inside
  Brutal Backside Breach (Iron Claw)
  • Neuturalize the Guards protecting the backdoor
  • Infiltrate the mansion disgiused as servants
  • Meet up with Songbird in order to equip them
  Defeat Domininated Do Gooders
  • Defeat Erim
  • Defeat Jerry
  • Defeat Jura
  • Defeat Araleth
  Locate Longeared Lass
  • Find a way in to the underground complex
  • Find where Harron is being Held
  • Rescue Harron
  • Kill or Capture Harron
  • Optional: Capture Harron's sister

Character(s) interacted with

  • Zewyn
  • Very Exhausting Party People
  • 8 "Drunk" Guards
  • 3 Corrupt Guards
  • Erim
  • A Suspicious Servant
  • 4 Ettercaps
  • Jerry
  • Aggressive Cooks
  • 2 Sneaky Wood Woads
  • 1 Emotional Needle Lord
  • A bunch of obedient normal greenhouse plants
  • Zura
  • Some Curious Party People
  • 3 offended Dragon Statues
  • Araleth
  • 2 frantic robot rabbits
  • Many oil thirsty guards
  • 5 Embarrassed Gigantic Robot Rabbits
  • Harron
  • Harron V2.0
Report Date
31 Mar 2022


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