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Session 13->9B: Time Trek-HA

General Summary

The Heroes

Emet-Selch {Vedalken Artificer}
Eralyse Sarrallon {Aasimar Paladin}
Jon Mastiff {Human Wizard}
Mala {Aarakocra Monk}
Mellow Leaf {Tabaxi Ranger}
Campaign:Heart of Annilation
Current Year:756


You discover the hidden enterance, a hidden switch on one of the desks causes the bookcase next to it to swing open. You all quickly enter while the others in the room are distracted. You then begin to make your way down a non-descript stone hallway when you feel that you've crossed some kind of magical barrier. Then a magical mouth appears on the wall.   "You are not a Zadkeil. By order of Zadkeil all non-zadkeils must be processed. Please wait while you are processed"   A section of wall swings out behind you covered in bladed spikes. It then begins sliding in your direction, the motion causing the blades to swing and rotate. DM Notes
Each round Gregorio can automatically pass a single check, or provide the help action
If no one is on same card as the wall it advances automatically otherwise roll a 1d10 plus the number of cards behind the wall. on a 10 or better the wall advances, pulling any characters on the same card as the wall with it. Characters moved this way take 8d6 force damage.


You have successfully out run the wall with minimal casualties. The end of the hall has lead you to another library. This one is densely packed with shelves. Among the shelves are more half-man half tiger creatures. They all look up at you expectantly.
Looks like the grinders missed a few. *sigh* I guess we'll have to manually prepare them for... examination
  DM Notes
Gregorio Grants the following Lair actions and can do 1 each turn.
  • Gregorio Deals 3d10 slashing damage to a creature
  • Gregorio gives one creature the grappled condition
  • Gregorio gives 1 ally the benefits of the dodge action for the round



After dispatching the last of the enemies you notice a conspicious lever on one of the pillars. It has words beneath it that simply state "Laboratory"   When you pull on the lever, it slides into the pillar and disappears within. You then begin to hear the sounds of mechanical gears above you. The door on the far wall begins to slide upward. Then you realize that it's not the door that's moving up, but rather it's the room that's sliding down. Then you start to hear it. A strange mechanical buzzing sound below you. A small open panel slides up on the wall and a mechanical "bug" flies out. Gregorio instinctively slashes at the creature and lets out a pathetic whine before crunching to the ground. Unfortuantely, it sounds like more are coming and the death of their fellow seems to have made them aggitated.   DM Notes
Options: Fight -> Combat
Run -> Short Chase
Other -> Skill Challenge
Gregoro: Performs the help action at the start of each round for 1 character


As the room decends to the lowest levels, the room and your allies seem to suddenly fly apart. For a moment each of you find yourselves alone within an empty dark void. Then a new room seems to assemble it's self about you. Blinking your eyes you find that you and your allies now find themselves within some kind of underground laboratory. The center of the room is dominated by a glass and steel container that contains some kind of green liquid.
congragualations, it seems you found me at last. But, I'm afraid now you'll die
The voice comes from a figure sitting in a chair. A figure that flops over revealing it's self to be nothing more than a straw dummy. A snarl catches your attention as two giant tigers stalk from the shadows. You also see two tigermen with backward paws approach, hate flashing in their eyes. Gregorio Howls in rage his features shifting and becoming more feral than usual like a barbarian in rage. [spoiler]Gregorio Grants the following Lair actions and can do 1 each turn.
  • Gregorio Deals 4d10 slashing damage to a creature
  • Gregorio gives one creature the restrained condition
  • Gregorio gives 1 ally the benefits of the dodge action and damage resistance to piercing for the round


When Zadkiel dies you feel as if the room is spinning as it blurs and goes out of focus. You then find yourselves back on ember leaf isle. Everything seems fine though a bit out of place. Your things aren't where you remember leaving them. When emmet goes into his workshop, in addition to the tools being out of place there is a strange device with a note next to it. A note written on a piece of blue parchement.....

Rewards Granted

17,000gp worth in gems.
Report Date
23 Sep 2022


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