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Session 13B: Reflections of Temporal Peril -HA

General Summary

The Heroes

Emet-Selch {Vedalken Artificer}
Eralyse Sarrallon {Aasimar Paladin}
Jon Mastiff {Human Wizard}
Mala {Aarakocra Monk}
Mellow Leaf {Tabaxi Ranger}
Campaign:Heart of Annilation
Current Year:756


Once more you return and zewyn treats the downed commrade. However, the other Eralyse is awake.  
Now before you say anything I just want to let you know that I don't hate you. I understand being an assimar you've grown up having people mistrusting you you're whole life. But we want to thank you for rescuing our companions. Zewyn has explained the situation to me and we wanted to give you these. Emmett created these and I believe they will help counteract the effects you and mala are suffering under.
  Zewyn interrupts
To answer your concerns. From what I can understand, consider the timeline as a sort of rope. The device caused the rope to splay at a particular point. Shortly after this happened a different rope splayed for similar reason and the bits of "rope" got tangled with each other. Correcting the 1st death event in each wil allow the ropes to mend themselves. [quote]   [quote]We've had a discussion with the others and we appreciate what you're doing. I have a device that should help offset the hardship you're dealing with it will generate a bless effect on 2 of you for the next hour.
  Zewyn nods,
So, who's next
  This room has a hexagonal slate tile floor. A series of footprints about an inch deep track across the room. They appear to be human sized and shaped like a pair of boots. The ceiling is a hipped (flat panels gently sloping up to common seems/joints) and that looks like it was once plastered smooth and painted. Only small sections of plaster remain with the paints faded to obscurity. Scorched into the wall is the silhouette outline of a five-foot-high figure that is holding a sword, shield and wearing a knight's helmet. Standing in front of the silhouette, and seemingly the source of it is a mechanical knight with a stylized eye facing forward that seems to have a kaleidoscopic lens. The knight stands defensively over the body of a well-dressed immaculate vedalken. The mechanical warrior is beset by.... what can only be described as kobolds. But kobolds are not normally composed entirely of electricity, nor do they typically move at literal lightning speed. The air in the room is hazy and humid, smelling slightly of rotting vegetation.   The knight lets loose a powerful attack that kills the enemies. It then sees the PCs and motions for them to wait, so they are not also trapped.   The group locked down the trapdoors on the floor making them a dc 30 to open the trapdoor in the ceiling was increased to a dc 20.   DM Notes
The ally is inside of a 1 way wall of force. It lets things in but not out. Searching the room the PCs find 4 trap doors. 2 in the floor and 2 in the ceiling. (DC 10 each). There is also a hidden door (DC 10). Opening the door releases a flood of water the trap doors in the floor are difficult to open (DC 15) but once open give exit for the water, each is filled with spikes and creates a vortex that attempts to draw charactersin. opening a trapdoor in the cieling drops powder that explodes on contact with water (each is equvient to a fireball). It takes 5 rounds to drain the water, within the chamber behind the door isa switch that releases the wall of force, which becomes completely solid once the door is opened.
  Using a combination of movement abilities the group was able to get inside of the room and pull the lever releasing the downed Emmet as well as his mechanical companion.  


It's almost routine at this point. There is a flash of light and Zewyn treats the body. It seems more of those you rescued have recovered.   This room has stone blocks that have been fitted together into tiles for the floor. A light smatter of small rounded stones about the size of pebbles are scattered about this room. The ceiling is barrel vaulted with ribs (regular rounded ribs support this barrel vault ceiling), with a dozen pitons hammered into a star shaped pattern. The walls of this room were once painted blue, but paint has faded and flaked. A mostly bald human with a blonde pony tail lies in the center of the room. He wears a rugged blue overcoat, trimmed in orange and yellow that has been tailored to have a wasp thin waist in order to a accommodate a matching rune carved belt and scabbard. A bejeweled glowing sword lays limply in his hand. Guarding the body are a pair of ghostly hounds that growl and nip at what looks to be nothing more than humans in armor. But you realize that the creatures within the armor are semi-transparent and have faces that are locked into permanent screams.  


You finish killing the last one, but something has gone wrong. The entire room starts shaking and collasping around you with pieces of it falling away into nothingness. Then you see it, ghostly shackles appear on the wrists of the alternate version of Jon with chains that extend into the void beyond, attempting to drag his body away from you.   The group was able to act quickly enough to save Jon before being brought back literally from the void.  


Through your efforts you're able to free the body as the room distigrates around you. You have a brief sensation of falling before you all arrive back in the room with Zewyn who treats the last of you. The room shakes slightly, like a boat disloging from a reef......
Report Date
20 Aug 2022


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