BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 14: The Watery Gravesite -Ha

General Summary

The Heroes

Emet-Selch {Vedalken Artificer}
Eralyse Sarrallon {Aasimar Paladin}
Jon Mastiff {Human Wizard}
Mala {Aarakocra Monk}
Mellow Leaf {Tabaxi Ranger}
Campaign:Heart of Annilation
Current Year:756


The note reads as follows: Greetings to my other self. You don't need to worry everything is fine. When we defeated your Zadkiel, nothing happened at first. So, we searched the laboratory for information and items of intrest. After about 3 days we suddenly found ourselves here on Ember leek? no wait, I have it here Ember leaf island. I'm sure it was just a coincidence that this happened when I was tinkering with the device I uh, found, yes that's a good word that is technically true, I did find it. That I found on Zewyn's time craft. Mellow Leaf's group has no idea that you weren't yourselves. They sent me one of those strange spell enhancement boxes and I've managed to replicate it and I've sent those plans to your past self as a test of this device. Since you are reading this, we have successfully swapped back with you. Unfortuantely because I had to make repairs using materials found in this timeline the device is now locked to this timeline. If your workshop is in rubble, I do appoligize but by my calculations there was only a 1 in 10 chance of that happeneing. Oh, side note. The differences between your world and ours are fasinating. I mean in our world the Silverleaf are the ones trying to bring Azathoth to our world. Their supreme ruler is a fellow by the name of Jakisith Brakenstream. But here he's just a member of their council.   DM Notes
The device is a Chronolometer, one end of it appears to have been heavily modified and the notes indicate that the modifications should prevent the strange effects from happening. Though there is no indication of what those strange effects are. The dials on the modification can be "fiddled with" in order to cause a Wild Magic Surge effect
  later that day your group is apporached by Octavia.   "I'm glad to see that you all have decided to stop wearing those ridicuolous hats. The final gate has been found. The council would like to send us to fortify the position. Hopefully this will put a stop to the incursions. The final gate is located deep underwater in Xuress territory. They will be sending us a ship that will be able to make use of an underwater mountain pass. This will minimize the amount of time spent travelling in their territory. The ship will arrive in about 3 days so you have that time to prepare"  


The ship that arrives to take you is similar in design to the ones you've sailed upon before. But this one seems to have a fungal coating on it's surface as if they'd been carefully cultivated. A name on the side of the vessel declares that it's name is the Vagabond.   Octavia explains "Because the location we are travelling to is fully submerged, this vessel has been cultivated to grow underwater into a form that is similar in design to what you've experienced at AutumnCrest. Our scryiers have shown that a seer is present at the location."   Octavia presents a grey staff covered in petrified mushrooms   "Once you've dealt with the opposition you'll need to get as close to the seal as possible and plant this staff in the ground. It will create a conneciton with the ship. You should be able to use that connection to return to the submerged vessel. From there you will be able to recooperate before teleporting back."   You board the ship as before and Octavia disappears into the captains quaters and the ship begins to make it's way... for about 30 seconds. The whole thing shudders and stops dead in the water. Octavia bursts from the door and collaspes to the ground breathing heavily. After a moment she regains her composure.   "sorry, it's the ship it's.... it's not a colony ship. It's an...observation vessel." She stares at the group and when her words fail to have the impact she was expecting she expands.   "This ship, I guess it makes sense they would send something like this given the nature of our mission. This ship is designed to spend extended time underwater and observe things without being observed. It's equipped to allow observers to collect specimines and....observe them in great detail so that every aspect can be....observed from EVERY concievable angle. After the observation has been completed the specimens can be re-assembled and released or as is more often the cast turned into nourshment for the crew. "   "You might need to get someone else to pilot the ship. I can do it if you prefer as I don't want to leave you with someone you don't feel you can trust. It's only four days. I can deal with the discomfort for that period of time. "   DM Notes
Octavia can destroy a piece of equipment on the ship in order to give the help action, this can be done a total of times equal to the number of failures allowed. Edger Mockette, at the beginning of each round he can "scan" any face down card and reveal information about it either the name of the card, the skills involved, or the DCs of the card. Afterward the card can either be left as it is or swapped for a new card of the same type.
  The group travels to the location which is a generally uneventful trip that takes 4 days.  


The vagabond travels along an underwater trench that becomes tunnel. You can see the remnants of a gateway similar to those that you've seen at the other locations. The passage widens and you see before you a castle. Six thick, round towers are connected by fairly low, solid walls made of black stone. The tops of the towers are adorned with winged gargoyles that seem to track your approach. Dull windows are scattered thinly across the walls in a seemingly random pattern, along with crenelations for archers and artillery.   A great gate with massive wooden doors and archer holes dominates the front of the castle. At the "ground", is a wooden stable like what would be used to tie up your horses. Additionally, there is a Gazebo. Your attention is then drawn to the creatures. Two enormous serpents with the faces of humanoids (one female and one male) flank the steps that lead up to the main gate. Additionally, there are three guards dressed in pride silk armor with golden epaulettes and matching swords at their sides sitting in the gazebo. Two additional guards can be seen patrolling the walls. Something about the guards seems off, other than the fact that the entire scene is before you is underwater. You notice that the guards eyes glow a deep crimson.

None of the creatures seem to have taken notice of you and edgar is able to conceal the ship behind a rock outcropping.     The shadow of a cat falls upon the battlefield. As you look up to see the source of it, the cat seems to take on the shape of a man. His golden eyes fall upon mellowleaf. He smiles and makes a swift motion with his foot, kicking a helmet of some kind at her. She instinctively catchesthe helmet which looks to be a metal mask of a bird with feline features. Looking back the figure seems to have vanished during the momentary distraction.  
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Party Gains Peregrine Mask it has feline like features and is a gift from the cat lord


The naga nods his head   "So be it. Doorman, take these guests to see the Lord. I will leave the final judgement with him if these creatures are friend or foe"   A small imp like creature appears. It has dark brown skin with a drooping nose. However, it is dressed in a fine silk black outfit studded with red rubies. The clothing obviously is self cleaning since everthing the "doorman" touches leaves behind a muddy stain. Though he seems to be concious of this and opts to float down the hallways and uses mage hand to open the doors rather than touching them. After a bit the sound of fighting can be heard up ahead. The creature's go wide. "The chamber is under assault!" he then seems to forget that he is guiding you and tears off down the hallway.  


  You burst into the throne room. This magnifient chamber has a large number of black veined marble columns. At the far end of the chamber is a relief of a tentacled monstrosity. Where it's head should be instead sits a black stone chair with red cushions on the seat and arms. The whole room seems designed to impart grandure and terror. The current scene only seems to emphasise these points. Star Spawn and Vampire spawn wage battle against each other. A man in fine clothing faces off against a seer. He is momentarily distracted when you open the doors and the seer takes this opportunity to blast the lord with magic that causes him to crumple to the ground. This invigorates the maulers who being to tear into the vampire spawn guards.   It seems you've given the star spawn the upper hand, which you're not sure is a good thing or not.   DM Notes
The vampire spawn aide in the battle by doing of the following each round: 1. Helper: Grant the help action to one character on all of their actions for the round. 2. Hypnotize: 1 enemy of your choice is charmed by 1 PC of your choice. 3. Sneak Attack: 1 enemy takes 4d6 slashing damage.
  The vampire lord (Lord Fabian Dibaris of the Abyss Dwellers) bows deeply toward you.   "I am thankful for your help in dealing with these invaders. You are welcome to travel where ever you need go to deal with this threat. You are my guests and as such I will not allow any of my household or other guests to cause any of you harm or distress. The invaders seemed particularly interested in my throne, or rather the wall located behind it. The decorations you see are but an illlusion in order to make the place a bit more homey."   Lord Dibaris waves a hand and the wall shimmers taking on the familiar appearance of humanoids fighting fighting what you now recognize as star spawn, you even recognize many of the creatures depicted. you see grue, manglers, and seers. You then realize there are allies of these creatures you do not recognize. There is a gash in the wall creating a breach. The breach presently crackles with black energy.
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anything passing through takes 20d6 negative energy damage
  Lord Dibaris presses a stone on his throne and a hidden compartment opens on it. He withdraws an etched crystal sphere the size of a grapefruit that hums faintly and pulses with irregular flares of inner light.   "As a show of good faith I present to you a gift. It was presented to me by merchant seeking my favor. She claimed it was a shondae device, though I have my doubts. It is nonetheless an item of considerable arcane power. Perhaps you can put it to good use or trade it to another who would want such a thing."   DM Notes
Party Gains Crystalline Chronicle


As you begin to examine the wall and notice the following features   Perception / Investigation DC: 10/12 {A phrase is written in a strange language across the top of the relief} DC: 20/15 {hidden within the relief are 40 holes} DC: 15/20 {Many of the reliefs are buttons that can be pressed} DC: 17/22 {Each of the figures has a letter inscribed on it as part of the design} The phrase translates to say the following: "A true protector understands not only the hierarchy of the enemy but understands how dangerous each of their foes are, from the lowliest threat to the highest calamity."   Pictographs
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Solution: 4S, 3T, 1A, 2R, 5P, 7A, 6W, 8N
1A:This large sized creature is depicted as having glistening translucent skin with it's internal bones and organs visible. DM Notes
Arcana DC: 22 - (Hulk) Hulks are seldom encountered without a commanding star spawn seer nearby. A hulk appears to have little will of its own and is driven to protect its master.

  2R:This medium sized humanoid is depicted with strange worls all over it's body. It's hands are bulky, flipper-like appendages that grasp a strange staff that seems to be formed of a blend of flesh and bone. DM Notes
Arcana DC: 21 - (Seer) A star spawn seer is most often encountered as the leader of a cult dedicated to one or more Elder Evils.

  3T:This medium sized creature is a low-slung, creeping horror with multiple gangly arms—it most often has six arms but some are depicted with as few as four to as many as eight. DM Notes
Arcana DC: 13 - (Mangler) Cultists summon these creatures to serve as guards and assassins, two roles at which they excel.
  4S: This small creaure is fanged and lipless, the ever-grinning, madly staring creature lopes about on spindly legs and long arms. Bristles and spines project from odd patches of its pallid skin, and its long fingers end in broken and dirty nails. DM Notes
Arcana DC: 8 - (Grue) Grues are the weakest of the star spawn.
  5P:This gigantic creature looks a like a scaled worm with quivering, barbed tentacles set around its massive, toothy maw. The worm’s cracked and stony hide seems to contain a dull orange glow, as if it might be composed of primordial lava perpetually on the verge of hardening into solid rock.DM Notes
Arcana DC: 25 - (Core Spawn Worm) The aberrant creatures known as core spawn are a subterranean breed of heralds. They often appear on the surface world in the wake of seismic events. Cultists sometimes gather together to hasten the arrival of core spawn to the Material Plane.

  6W:These medium sized creatures each look different and appear to be transitioning from one type of creature to another. This one is changing from a man to a sea elf, another from a horse to a goblin, there is little to no pattern that can be descerned, except that each is depicted as having a black halo. DM Notes
Arcana DC: 29 - (Lesser Emissary) A star spawn emissary’s lesser form allows it to appear as any creature. Emissaries have no misplaced pride and just as readily appear as people, animals, or other creatures—the more unassuming, the better. Should it reveal its true form, an emissary appears as a roughly bipedal mass of agitated organs, self-cannibalizing alien orifices, and appendages suggestive of forms it has previously assumed.

  7A:This medium sized creature appears to be composed entirely of maggots. It is depicted as turning into such a mass when vanquished only to reform and claim revenge on it's killer. DM Notes
Arcana DC: 26 - (Larva Mage) When a powerful cultist contacts a comet-borne emissary of an Elder Evil, the emissary can merge with a mortal consciousness to create a larva mage. None of the original cultist’s personality survives the transformation; what emerges is wholly alien.

  8N:This Huge creature appears as a pillar of violent flesh that is a chaotic combination of a wide variety of creatures. DM Notes
Arcana DC: 31 - (Greater Emissary) An emissary’s greater form sheds all pretense of being part of a plane’s reality and openly mocks it. A destructive titan, this form rises in a 25-foot-tall pillar of violent flesh amalgamating the meat and voices of every form the emissary has ever mimicked. Manifestations of alien hunger erupt from this horror in waves of ravenous organs and mind-breaking psychic assaults.

  DM Notes
Pressing the buttons in the wrong sequence causes black bolts of negative energy to erupt from the holes in the wall dealing 8d6 necroitic damage con save DC: 20.
  Completing the Puzzle As you press the final button the walls seperate as they do a A slender staff slides out of a slot in the ground. It appears to be made out of a strange metal and slightly glows. The staff seems to present its self to the group.  
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Party Gains Staff of Striking


Beyond the wall is a large chamber (about 500 foot diameter). 10 pillars composed of mud are evenly spaced about the circular chamber. In the center is a familiar looking circular platform. Upon the platform are a group of robed figures. They appear to be working to disrupt the magic of the seal. Suddenly one of the columns of mud vanishes. But before you can move into the room an imp like creature composed of mud appears before you. He is dressed in fine black silk robes that are studded with red rubies.   "Excellent Job. Now, before you proceed I just need to make sure you are worthy of this place and it's treasures. He winks at you."   Pass: "Good job, ah, that was so invigorating." The mud mephit then claps his hands together and as he pulls them apart a leather-wrapped metal rod emblazoned with the symbol of Pelor, appears behind its hands"  
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Party Gains Duskcrusher
"I'll be glad to finally give this thing to someone who is worthy, it's amazingly hard to find someone among the lot living here. Almost like it was destined for your group. Well, move along now and take care of those things."   The mephit raises a hand and one of the pillars orients it's self into a bridge. It should take awhile for them to get through all 20...... pillars, crap get a move on."  


The Robed figures turn and face you. Their bodies crack and shift, the robes dropping in the process. You find yourselves facing half a dozen grue and a seer. Then a dark shadow passes overhead. Glancing up you see an enormous catfish? well, it has a tail like a fish and a face full of tentacles, but that is about as far as the simularities go.  


Yellow energy lashes about the room which begins to shake. As before the magical energies pulled apart by the cultists is beginning to snap back into place. A snapping that will be extremely unhealthy for anyone and anything in the room. You debate just planting the staff you were given and leaving, but you realize that the energies in this room would not only destroy the staff but would probably damage the castle upsetting it's owner such that it's unlikely you would be allowed back inside.
Report Date
24 Sep 2022


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