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Session 18: Vanquishing Victorio Part 2 - HA

General Summary

The Heroes

Emet-Selch {Vedalken Artificer}
Eralyse Sarrallon {Aasimar Paladin}
Jon Mastiff {Human Wizard}
Mala {Aarakocra Monk}
Mellow Leaf {Tabaxi Ranger}
Campaign:Heart of Annilation
Current Year:756


As you look at the monumental task a head of you, you realize that thus far your intrusion has gone un-noticed by the denizens before you. Additionally, it occurs to you that if you were to walk up to the encampment properly disguised you may be able to rest and recooperate before entering the citidel. It also would be an opportunity to gater intelligence on the place.


Looking at the ramshackle town you see that it is a place of squalor and decay. The buildings are constructed from scavenged materials with no permanent structures. The buildings appear to be in a constant state of flux, with new constructions being added and old ones torn down as the needs of the denizens change.   The town seems to be heavily patrolled by the Victorio's monstrosities, who keep a watchful eye on the denizens. They move in groups, their eyes constantly scanning the area for any signs of trouble.

DC: 15 insight
the purpose of the patrols is to ensure that denizens remain loyal to their victorio.
  Despite the heavy patrols, however, the bandits are always on edge, their nerves frayed by the constant threat of violence and retribution. They move about the town in small groups, their weapons close at hand, always ready for a fight. The tension in the air is palpable.  


As you make your way through the ramshackle town, you notice something odd about the denizens. Each person you pass is wearing a piece of clothing that identified them as being part of a gang. Some wear red bandanas tied around their necks, while others have green armbands or blue sashes tied around their waists.   As you make your way deeper into the town, you find yourself suddenly surrounded by a group of bandits, each wearing a yellow bandana.   The bandits demand to know what you're doing in their territory. However, before you can respond another group of bandits appear on the scene, wearing blue sashes. They demand that the yellow bandits back down, claiming that the area was their territory.   Your group has a moment to decide what to do, while the two groups posture. Violence is immenant.  


having proven yourselves to the bandits they allow you to pass through their territory unharrassed. You now arrive at the at your destination a small flophouse. Its a run-down building, with peeling paint and a sagging roof, but it was the only place in the town that looks even remotely welcoming.   Pushing open the creaky door, you're greeted by the warm glow of a fire in the hearth. The room is small and dimly lit, with a few tables and chairs scattered about. A bar runs along one wall, and a burly bartender stands behind it, wiping down glasses with a rag.   DM Notes
If the adventurers approach the bartender and ask if they could get a room for the night. He grunts in response and hands you a set of keys, pointing them towards a staircase at the back of the room.
  The rooms are small and basic, with just enough space for a bed and a chest of drawers.  


  After recooperating you realize that another opportunity had presented its self. You could covertly speak with the denizens here to figure out a way into the fortress without raising any alarms. However, once you begin asking questions you won't have long before you draw suspicoun upon yourselves.  


  After some descreet questioning you've determined that the tower is a shondea ruin that Victorio has made his base of operations. That being the case the main gate is accessed using a special shondea device. There are only a limited number of these devices and most of them are held by loyal zealots. However, one of the key holders is a recent recruit who might be persuadable. In any case, unlike the others he is known to occasionally visit the tavern you're staying at leaving his entourage at the door. In any case you have an opprotunity to get him alone for a moment. -------------- The heroes sat at a corner table in the dimly-lit bar, ready with a plan of action. The door creaked open and the individual they were waiting for entered, his eyes scanning the room. The guard was dressed in dark leather armor adorned with gold filigree, his hand resting on the hilt of a sword at his hip. Around his neck, he wore an ornate necklace of a strange design.   The guard's gaze immediately landed on the heroes, and he began to make his way over to their table. You'll need to act quickly if your plan is to have the result you're hoping for.   ------------- As they talked, the guard's demeanor began to soften. He loosened his grip on his sword, and the suspicion in his eyes faded. Finally, he agreed to help them, handing over the device they needed to enter the fortress.  


  You activate the Shondae device and a faint humming sound fills the air. The device then began emitting a pulsing light and the doors slowly creaked open, revealing a dimly lit corridor that led deep into the fortress.   As you enter the fortress you find that strange devices and machines line the walls, some still operational, while others lay in ruin. However, you hide as you see the modified creatures that patrol the fortress. Once humanoid, they had been subjected to brutal mechanical modifications that have stripped them of their identity. You realize that you need to tread carefully to avoid these dangerous beings. ---------------------------------- As you venture deeper into the fortress, you begin to see evidence of the terrible experiments that have been conducted there. The walls are lined with grotesque specimens, some still twitching and writhing with life, while others have been long dead and left to rot. All arranged the way an individual might that collects butterflies.   The air is thick with the stench of decay and chemicals, and you can hear the faint sound of machinery in the distance.   As you move through the corridors, you come to an expanse of cells and chambers filled with humanoids that have been grotesquely modified and twisted into monstrous forms. Some are barely recognizable for their orginal species, while others retain enough of their original form to be truly horrifying.   Containment Barrier
The containment barrier is an imposing structure. It is made of an unknown, black material and is covered in complex buttons and switches that seem to pulse with a sickly green light.


Beyond the final containment barrier you find a chamber. In the center of the room, you see a large circular platform, surrounded by wires and equipment.   DM notes
The walls in this room have a stripe down the center that has a pattern, a successful history check identifies it as the symbol shondea typically used to represent water
  Nearby there is an electronic map of of the fortress with a series of buttons and two dials next to it.   Dial 1 (Quadrant) 1. Fire (NW - contains 5 numbered sections) 2. Earth (NE- contains 4 numbered sections) 3. Air (SW - contains 6 numbered sections) 4. Water (SE - contains 8 numbered sections)   Dial 2 1. Alert (a recorded announcement in shondae letting (target) know that they are required in the examination wards. 2. unknown (a recorded announcement in shondae lets you know that (target)'s implanted transponder has not been activated. 3. Display (causes the selected quandrent to display targets) 4. Recall (a recorded message tells you that there is an error and that the currently selected target can not be recalled)   Buttons 1. Defenses (nothing happens) 2. Science Personel (nothing happens) 3. Visitors (dots fill whichever sector is selected) 4. Security Personel (nothing happens) 5. Maintenance Personel (a single dot appears one in the NE quadrant and the other in the SW) -------------------------   The platform has a small box inset with a crystal has a dial next to it along with a numeric pad numbered 1 though 8.   Dial 1 (Quadrant) 1. Fire (NW - contains 5 numbered sections) 2. Earth (NE- contains 4 numbered sections) 3. Air (SW - contains 6 numbered sections) 4. Water (SE - contains 8 numbered sections)   The crystal has writing on it that appears only after the device has been repaired. "Set destination sector and room. Warning, opertating on emergency power, one charge remaining."   a DC 20 Investigation check indentifies the devce as a teleportation device. A DC 25 tool check allows you to repair the device and get it working again. A DC 20 Athletics check is required to clear the platform.  


You appear in a blinding flash of light, disoriented and momentarily stunned. As your vision clears, you find yourselves in a large room with high ceilings, surrounded by strange and unsettling equipment. The room is dimly lit by flickering candles and strange glasswear filled with glowing liquids, that cast eerie shadows across the walls.   Coffins of various sizes and shapes litter the room, some of them standing upright while others are lying on their sides, as if they were hastily thrown there. The air is thick with the scent of old blood and decay, and you can hear the soft rustling of movement coming from within the coffins.   In the far corner of the room, two large creatures with snake heads coil and uncoil their serpentine bodies, their eyes gleaming with an eerie intelligence. The creatures seem to be guarding something, and they hiss menacingly.   You can also see the shadows of several large dog-like creatures pacing back and forth the pads of their feet clicking on the ground as they walk.   On near wall is an animated portrait of Victorio. He is a towering figure, at least seven feet tall, with most of his body replaced by gleaming metal parts. His face is twisted into a permanent sneer, and he glares at you with a fierce intensity.   Victorio's metal wings twitch slightly as he flexes his fingers, which end in razor-sharp blades. You can feel the air around him crackle with energy.   He laughs "I suppose this explains the strange reports I've been getting. Thank you for making it so I don't have to hunt you down. I just have one question before I kill you. Are you the reason I've lost contact with Annuex or is that someone else's doing?"  


A trophy case on the wall catches your attention. It is made of polished black stone with golden trimmings and is ornately designed. The inside of the case are several shelves.   On the top shelf is a metal hexagonal plate. It has a design etched into it that seems to glow with a faint blue light. The plate looks ancient, but it's otherwise in pristine condition. Next to the plate, there's a small toy canary. The metal canary is a marvel of shondae craftsmanship. Its feathers and beak are intricately designed and incredibly detailed. The metal is a shiny gold color, and it is warm to the touch.   On the second shelf, there's a staff that is about 5 feet long and is made of a sleek, silver metal. Its surface is smooth to the touch. Along the length of the staff, there are several buttons that appear to be seamlessly integrated into the metal surface. The buttons themselves are small and circular, with a slightly raised surface that makes them easy to press. Otherwise the staff is of Shondea design, with intricate engravings and patterns etched into its surface.   On the bottom shelf, there's a dodecahedron-shaped box that appears to be made of a strange metallic material. The box is covered in intricate designs that are etched into the metal, and it glows with a faint green light. Next to the box is a strange bottle. The bottle is made of a dull gray metal and has a slightly curved shape. The 3 inch bottle has several buttons and a knob on it. The buttons are blue, green, and red. Each button is small and circular with a symbol engraved upon it. The metal knob on the top of the bottle is large and smooth. It seems to be the primary mechanism for opening and closing the bottle.   Upgrade Rune (+2 to +3) Gold Canary Figurine of Wondrous Power Hither-Thither Staff Luxon Beacon Sovereign Glue | Universal Solvent | (6 uses) Oil of Slipperyness (1 use)
Report Date
26 Mar 2023


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