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Session 19: The Dream of QuanZec Part 1 -HA

General Summary

The Heroes

Emet-Selch {Vedalken Artificer}
Eralyse Sarrallon {Aasimar Paladin}
Jon Mastiff {Human Wizard}
Mala {Aarakocra Monk}
Mellow Leaf {Tabaxi Ranger}
Campaign:Heart of Annilation
Current Year:756


Octavia arrives in Autumncrest in a hurry, looking a bit disheveled. She greets you warmly and quickly gets down to business.   "I have both good and bad news. The silvershade councilmember who behind the coop has been interrogated. As suspected, he was under the influence of QuanZec, a powerful silvershade noble. Unfortuantely, QuanZec has retreated to a safehouse of some kind that prevents us from reaching him."   Octavia then beems   "The good news is that the concil has decided to allow your group to directly track the bastard down and deal with him. This means a bunch, but to start. It means we should travel to my home, my real home where I will be able to speak more openly."   Octavia offers her hands to the group in order to teleport you all to her home.   ------------------- You find yourselves standing in a large wooden circular room. The room is dimly lit with soft, warm lighting that emanates from glowing orbs that are embedded into the walls. The ceiling is high and vaulted, giving the room a spacious and airy feel. In the center of the room, there is a large teleportation circle as if it had been drawn by a giant, or perhaps something larger.   There is no obvious enterance or exit from this room except for an alcove carved in one of the walls. Within the alcove sits a small shrub with black bark and semi-transparent leaves.   Octavia lets out an exhausted sigh   "It will be nice to be home"   She then casts a spell that causes the shrub flicker as if its become partially incorporial.   You find yourselves enveloped in a bright light, and when it dissipates, you find yourselves in a surreal landscape. The sky is a swirling kaleidoscope of colors, blending seamlessly from one hue to another, with no discernible horizon.   The ground itself is a patchwork of different terrains, ranging from verdant forests to barren deserts, from snow-capped mountains to rolling hills. Rivers and streams flow freely, and lakes shimmer in the distance, their surfaces reflecting the chaotic sky above. In the distance, towering spires and strange structures can be seen, seemingly built from impossible geometry. These structures seem to defy the laws of physics, with their shapes and angles constantly shifting and warping.   Despite the bizarre and otherworldly nature of the landscape, there is a sense of tranquility and peace that pervades the realm. It is a realm that is both beautiful and unsettling. Octavia's form begins to shift, and in moments she transforms into a giant condor. She beckons to you, telling you to get on her back.   You soar over the landscape, and after what seems like only a few mintues you approach a magnificent structure that stands out against the vivid landscape. Her home seems to have been carved out of a giant crystal that simply floats in the air. It gleams and glitters in the light, giving the impression of a sparkling jewel. The crystal is a deep shade of blue, almost indigo in color, and is covered in intricate carvings of vines and flowers. The structure is enormous, with multiple towers and levels that stretch up towards the sky.   She lands on a circular platform is attached to the side of the crystal, and a large set of crystalline steps lead up to a grand entrance. The entrance is a pair of double doors made of the same crystal as the rest of the structure, but they are decorated with golden filigree and have intricate carvings of various animals etched into them. The doors open smoothly to reveal a dimly lit interior, with a soft glow emanating from various crystal lamps and chandeliers. The air inside is cool and crisp, with a faint scent of pine and lavender.   When Octavia transforms back into her natural form you see that she is now dressed in soft black robe with silver embrodriery. Several jewel like beetles cling to the robe like ornate medals. She also seems more, youthful than you remember her being.   "now then, we can speak freely. As I said the council has agreed to the following terms. 1. you may enter the eternal dream as needed. 2. You may leave the eternal dream as needed. 3."   Octavia pauses and smiles   "You're allowed to know what the eternal dream is. The Eternal Dream is a closely guarded secret and you are not to speak of it to anyone outside of the Silvershade. Those trees and bushes you've seen on the island that silvershade disappear into. That is the Eternal Dream, in fact that is where we presently are. "   "you can think of it as a sort of pocket dimension that can only be accessed from silvershade blooms. Though it also is the blooms themsleves. We are here now in my home. This is what it looks like within the eternal dream. In the physical world my home exists as a large oak tree. The larger the tree the bigger my home is here. Of course should the tree die. This place would crumble and anyone that is unable to escape would be killed along with the tree. The roots of my oak tree connect to the roots of the trees around it and they to to ones next to them. In this way we can travel to anywhere within the silvershade kingdom. Well, those parts that aren't disconnected from the whole such as emberisle and autumncrest."   ------- Octatvia then hands each of you a small silver disk. "In order to assist in your endeavors each of you has been made a resident of the Eternal Dream. You can take this disk and deeply consider what sort of item or effect you wish to manifest. The effect will culminate into a sort of seed. you can break the seed later on to cause the item or effect to manifest. However, these are not free as they will deduct from your funds depending on the complexity of the desired effect." -------------------- If the effect has a duration that is not instantaneous then it is permanent until dismissed/discharged. If the effect is normally instantaneous then it gains the concentration and lasts for as long as concentration is maintained.


  Having a solid plan you set out to discover QuanZec's hiding place. As you set out from Octavia's home, you enter a dense forest of twisted, gnarled trees with branches that seem to reach out and grab at you. The air is thick with a strange mist that makes it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead. Suddenly, the fog clears and before you stands a figure in tattered robes. The figure is tall and lanky, with a skeletal frame that is visible beneath the worn robes. The figure holds a giant femur as a staff, which glows with a sickly green light. On either side of the figure, six-legged creatures known to you as star spawn grue stand ready. The hooded figure lets out a piercing cackle and four furry creatures bound over the group toward you. They have large oversized heads that bob and jiggle as they move. Their bodies are covered in soft, colorful fur. They emits a high-pitched, laugh that sounds like a cross between a clown and a hyena. They bounce as they hit the ground moving with a surprising amount of speed.  


  As the enemy falls to the ground, A humanoid head suddenly emerges from the ground like a gopher, looking disheveled and disoriented. He blinks rapidly, his eyes wide as he takes in the scene before him. He quickly leaps out of the ground in an awkard sort of half-flip. He then turns to run in the opposite direction, but his legs seem to fail him as he stumbles and nearly falls. The humanoid is a grey, smooth skinned creature with unkempt blonde hair that falls into his eyes. He is wearing a leather great coat that is too big for him. His eyes are a bright green color, and he has a small nose that is slightly upturned at the end.

Despite his desperate attempts to run away, it is he is more scared than anything else, his body shaking with fear as he looks over his shoulder at you. Directing the remaining grue to kill you.  


  As the heroes grab the man by the arms, he struggles and tries to break free.   "Let me go! I didn't do anything!" he protests, his eyes darting around nervously.   You ask him for his name. He hesitates for a moment before replying, "My name is Chad Cross." His voice is shaky and he avoids making eye contact with you, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. So you lead him to a nearby clearing and begin questioning him, but it's immediately clear that he's not being entirely forthcoming. He gives vague, noncommittal answers and his eyes keep flicking around, as if he's looking for a way to escape.  


After some initial reluctance, Chad finally relents and begins to talk. He tells the you about the hideout where the gang he's been trying to join hangs out, which is located deep in the nearby forest. He admits that he overheard the gang talking about you and how their boss, rich guy named QuanZec was angry with them. Chad figured that if he could take out the heroes, then he would be allowed to join the gang.   As for the monsters he attacked the heroes with, Chad confesses that he learned how to create them by eavesdropping on the gang. However, he thought that some of the monsters sounded dumb, so he made them scarier by adding colorful fur and making them bouncy. He seems to genuinely believe that the creatures that he calls Wobblers are really terrifying, despite their comical appearance. --------------- As you make your way through the forest, you can't help but feel a sense of unease as you walk between trees that seem to be a strange mix of wood and metal. The forest is illuminated by a series of blinking lights that cover every tree, making it look like the forest is alive and pulsating. Suddenly, a low growl is heard, and a creature materializes in front of them.   The creature is massive, standing at least ten feet tall with an almost skeletal frame. Its skin is a sickly green color and looks like it's decaying, with bits of flesh and bone sticking out of its body in different places. Its eyes glow with a malevolent intelligence, and the heroes can feel a palpable sense of danger emanating from it.  


As you stand victorious over the final enemy, there is a sudden eruption of applause that fills the air. The sound seems to come from all directions, and as you look around to see where it's coming from. A building materializes before you, appearing as a unique blend of a bar and an amphitheater.   The structure is bustling with activity, with dozens of people gathered inside, drinking and apparently watching the fight with interest. The interior of the building is adorned with vibrant colors, and the air is filled with laughter and excitement. A strangely dressed satyr, sporting a colorful outfit and a mischievous grin, steps forward and beckons you to enter the bar.   ---------------- As you step inside, you are met with an energetic atmosphere. The satyr introduces himself as Xoc, the owner and host of the bar. He proudly explains that his establishment is known as "Fortuna's Embrace," a place where chance and entertainment converge.   You notice a large holy symbol of Ralishaz prominently displayed on one of the walls. The walls are otherwise adorned with various gambling-themed decorations, and the games themselves catch your attention.   The games in Fortuna's Embrace are not for the faint of heart. They involve daring feats of skill, luck, and often physical danger. It becomes apparent by the patrons increasing lack of interest in your group that you'll likely need to win such a game in order to get the information you're after. --------------- Game 1   A sign above the booth reads, "The Perilous Plunge: Risk It All for a Pittance!"   The booth is run by an eccentric-looking gnome with a mischievous glint in his eye. He introduces himself as Figgy Twinklesleigh, the mastermind behind this particular game. Figgy explains the rules with an exaggerated flourish.
  Contestants stand atop a rickity tower. Dangling from each tower is a tope with an open bag of holding. The objective is to drop a crystal sphere into the bag of holding. If the sphere misses the bag it will shatter damaging the tower you're standing on. If no one misses their bag of holding then a judge with a hammer decides who did it worst. Damaging that contestant's tower with the afforementioned hammer. ------------------ Game 2 a crowd gathers around a worn-out wooden table. The sign above the table reads, "The Gauntlet of Shadows: Dare to Defy Darkness!"   The game is overseen by a mysterious figure—a tall, enigmatic woman shrouded in a cloak of midnight black. She introduces herself as Whisper, the mistress of illusions and the mastermind behind this particular game.   The game involves a set of intricately designed cards, each depicting various creatures and symbols associated with darkness and mystery. Each round a card is drawn from the deck and each contestant engages in a brief battle against a spectral manifestation of the chosen entity. The battles are not physical but mental and strategic, as you must outwit and outmaneuver their illusory opponents. The last contestant standing wins. However, the cost of elimination is high, as the heroes you will not only lose their wager but also face a penalty—perhaps a temporary curse or a haunting memory that will linger long after they leave the bar. ------------------ Game 3   As they approach, they notice a large ropped off section. A large wooden sign indicates this is the "Leap of Fate".   The game is overseen by a flamboyant and charismatic individual known as Leopold the Trickster. Dressed in a vibrant, mismatched ensemble of colorful fabrics and adorned with jingling bells, he welcomes you with a mischievous grin.   The objective of Leap of Fate is seemingly simple yet deceptively treacherous. Contestants must leap from one platform to another, suspended high above the ground, to reach a small gold treasure chest at the end. However, the catch is that each platform is riddled with unpredictable traps, illusions, and shifting obstacles.  


After winning the contest you are directed to a stairwell and password that will get you into the highrollers section of the bar. Members of the Crystal Honey Badgers are known to hang out there. -------------------

Upon entering the highrollers area, you find themselves in a section of the bar that feels distinctly separate from the rest. The ambiance is cloaked in an eerie stillness, broken only by the occasional murmur or hushed conversation. The lighting here is dim, casting long shadows that dance along the walls like spectral specters.   As your eyes adjust to the dimness, you take in the scene before you. The highrollers section is adorned with opulent decorations, but there's an unsettling twist to their grandeur. The walls are adorned with macabre paintings, depicting scenes of twisted nightmares and surreal landscapes. The furniture is crafted from polished blackwood, its curves and edges reminiscent of gnarled branches and skeletal remains.   Amongst this unsettling backdrop, the Crystal Honey Badgers stand out. Clad in distinct attire that combines elements of elegance and danger, they exude an air of confidence and mischief. Their jackets shimmer with crystalline patterns, reflecting the dim light in a mesmerizing display. Each member wears a honey badger pin on their lapel.   Approaching the Crystal Honey Badgers, you are met with smirks and raised eyebrows. The gang members recognize you as the winners of the previous game, your reputation preceding you. A tall, charismatic figure steps forward, introducing himself as Jasper, the leader of the Crystal Honey Badgers. His voice carries a hint of amusement and a touch of danger.   ------------------------ Jasper, listens to your request with a sly grin on his face. His eyes twinkle mischievously as he considers your words. With a flick of his wrist, he produces a rolled-up parchment, holding it just out of their reach.   He unfurlings part of it revealing a detailed map.   "This map marks several locations throughout the Eternal Dream, denoting them as safehouses."   With a mischievous grin, Jasper explains that these safehouses are known to provide sanctuary even for QuanZec himself, emphasizing their level of security and secrecy.   "Now my dear friends," Jasper says with a chuckle. "This map is a prized possession, and I cannot simply hand it over without a bit of excitement and challenge. Let's make a game out of it, shall we?"   He gestures to a part of the ampitheater, where a makeshift racecourse has been set up. The track winds through narrow alleys, twists around walls, and even includes a daring leap over a series of trenches.   "I propose a cart race," Jasper continues, his voice filled with anticipation. "If you can outpace me and reach the finish line first, then the map is yours. But if I outwit and outmaneuver you, well, let's just say the map remains mine." ---------------------------- The carriage, is a marvel of unconventional engineering and imaginative design.   Instead of being pulled by mundane horses, the carriage is propelled forward by a strange breed of horse-like creatures. A wooden shroud envelops these creatures, revealing only glimpses of their extraordinary forms. The woodwork has intricate carvings depicting strange symbols and glyphs that seem to pulse with energy.   Mounted upon the roof of the carriage rests a ballista. Gleaming with polished brass and intricately etched designs.   value: 2,000 gp Carriage HP: 400 (damage threshold of 15) Speed: 100 (+25 per steed)   "Horses" x4 AC: 18 HP: 50   Ballista Armor Class: 15 Hit Points: 75 Damage Immunities: poison, psychic A ballista is a massive crossbow that fires heavy bolts. Before it can be fired, it must be loaded and aimed. It takes one action to load the weapon, one action to aim it, and one action to fire it.   Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing damage.   Each round, 3 spend their action to load and fire the ballista, while the last one will either aid or shoot at the carriage with a 3d10 firebolt  


Jasper's laughter fills the air, his eyes glinting with a hint of mischief and treachery. His jovial demeanor takes a sudden turn as he speaks, his voice laced with a dangerous undertone.   "Ah, you've earned the map fair and square, my dear friends" Jasper says, a devious smile spreading across his face. "But I'm afraid there's a small complication. You see, QuanZec, our esteemed leader, had given me specific instructions regarding the map."   His words hang in the air, for a moment to give his next words added weight.   "If that map were to ever fall into the hands of someone who isn't a Crystal Honey Badger, our orders are clear: eliminate the interlopers and retrieve the map at all costs."  


The heroes eagerly take hold of the map, their eyes scanning its surface with anticipation. However, their initial excitement wanes as they realize that the map is not as straightforward as they had hoped. Lines and symbols intertwine, forming a complex network of cryptic patterns that seem indecipherable at first glance.   Furrowing their brows in concentration, the heroes study the encoded map, realizing that it holds secrets that require unraveling. The symbols are a conundrum, appearing as a combination of arcane sigils, ancient runes, and enigmatic diagrams.  


Report Date
12 May 2023


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