BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 5: The Sinister Circus

General Summary

The Heroes

Emet-Selch {Vedalken Artificer}
Eralyse Sarrallon {Aasimar Paladin}
Jon Mastiff {Human Wizard}
Mala {Aarakocra Monk}
Mellow Leaf {Tabaxi Ranger}

  As the body of the massive snakeman fell, it began to shift and shrink becoming a dirty male human. A human that seemed to recognize the party, gasping out. "That bastard.... Jon, you've got to help me get him."   He then began to bleed out. The group moved to stabilize him and worked to secure the building. they managed to scare off the few remaining snake people and freed the caged villagers. The group then rested in order to heal and recover their strength.   When the fallen man recovered he looked at the group and said "Thanks for the rescue, again. So, where are we? and where did that damn ring master go to?"   The group asked the man who he was and after looking over himself he said "oh, of course! you don't recognize me, I was a bit hairy before. I'm Gregorio Cronaba. We met in Dustshore"   Gregrio told the group that after they'd parted ways he knew that he wouldn't be welcome into society while he was stuck in his werewolf form. So, he headed to a circus his aunt had told him about. They had discussed going to it and so to that end his aunt had spoken with the ring master and been given their scheduled path. His aunt had told him that it was run by a halfling. But when he got there a strange elf was in charge. The elf did something to him that turned him into the monstrosity they'd encountered. Given the town they were currently in Gregario knew which town was to be visited next. But the group would have to hurry if they wanted to catch it before it moved on.   So the group quickly traversed with woods with great haste and soon found themselves at the village of Grasswallow. A large area just outside of the village had been fenced off using stakes and rope. The area within contained half a dozen brightly colored tents, as well as several large wagons. A large.... manlike creature could be seen patrolling the outside of the tents. It had a large flat nose and a mouth sporting small tusks and pudgy limbs. It wore a white jester suit that was covered in yellow and red circles, with a matching conical hat. It's face was painted white with black circles around the eyes, nose and mouth. It carried a mace over it's shoulder. The mace had also been painted white except the flanges which alternate between red and yellow. You notice other patrolling figures that have similar shapes, outfits and gear.   Despite being the middle of the day the town felt very quiet and empty. There were some people out and about but far fewer than would be expected.   Asking around town the group learned that the town had arrived 2 days ago and that people had already begun going missing. Though currently it was being chalked up to over indulgence at the circus.   Mala and Mellow Leaf decided to see if they could sneak into the circus while the less stealthy went through the main entrance. They found the interior to be a typical mix for a travelling circus. A large tent for shows and smaller tents that featured exhibits and games. Remembering the vision they tracked down an exhibit that featured a snake lady. Paying and going inside they found the same snake woman they'd seen in the vision. They also realized that though she appeared to be locked in a cage, the lock was merely for show and that she could easily leave the cage if she wished.   The group met up and took some time wandering the grounds. Something that soon became evident was that all of the employees seemed to be elves and giant clowns. Even when it came things like the "bearded halfling's dunk tank". Instead of a bearded halfling it was run by an elf and you dunked an elf. They also discovered that free beer was given out before the next to last show of the evening. Giving an opportunity to drug patrons.   As the group was wandering a pixie suddenly popped into existence and threw an animal bladder of some kind at one of the workers. The worker shrieked in pain as part of his face turned to putty. The pixie then flew off as two of the jester guards chased after it. An elf in a blue outfit with silver trim kneeled over the downed worker. Who began to ask "wait, who are you? where am I?"   The elf noticed the group watching and frowned. "sorry folks, I'm afraid you've seen too much."   He then made a motion and two of the jester guards charged the group with malice in their eyes. After a short battle the pixie reappeared and motioned for the group to follow him between two of the tents. He then took a coil of rope and threw it into the air. It seemed to anchor its self on nothing. The pixie then flew to the top of the rope before disappearing.   The group hauled the downed worker, who seemed to have turned into a human, with them into the rope trick.   Once everyone was inside the pixie pulled up the rope and addressed the group.   "I'm sorry to impose on you but I need your help. This tent town changes people and animals. It takes away their will and turns them into elves and giant white faced brutes. But Belladoris and I have a plan. Belladoris is a dryad that lives in the area. She knows of a pond whose waters have restorative powers. They are able to break the enchantment upon those that come in contact with them. We tried to pouring it over their food and drink. Unfortunately, when the white faced creatures returned to their true forms it interrupted the meal and the ring master was able to re-enchant everyone.   So, I need your help to slay the ring master in secret. Then before his absence is felt we will throw a party like before. But I'll need you to get the white faced creatures to go into a separate tent where we can restore them without upsetting everyone else.   As for the ring master, the only way to get close to him when he's not guarded is at the end of the show. You'll need to take the place of the performers who perform last. Once the performance is over the edge of the ring is cloaked in darkness and silence. You and the ring master will be alone in that instant and must kill him before he's able to leave the ring. You'll have about a minute or so before the magic fades and a call for help will bring a dozen of those white faced things."   The group agreed to the plan and spent some time figuring out the performance schedule. They realized that the schedule was only really posted in a single place and that it could be altered to place any group to perform at the end. The group found that the current performance list was as follows: Act-Performers 1 - juggling 2 - tightrope walking 3 - knife thrower 4 - The mock battle 5 - firebreather 6 - illusionist   After some discussion the group decided to move the mock battle group to the end. Mala was able to get to the note unseen and alter it using his writing skills. The alteration wasn't perfect, but it was good enough to go largely un-noticed as fraudulent.   Not wishing to harm a bunch of innocents the group decided to persuade the mock battle performers instead of knocking them out. Things almost turned bad, but in the end they convinced the performers to stand down and allow the group to take their place for just tonight.   After a short rest the group went at the appointed time and was able to put on a convincing show. So much that the ring master never even suspected they were there to slay him. As soon as the silent darkness fell they leapt into action catching him by surprise. At the last moment he was able to call out for help and the illuminating sphere above the stage shifted into a water elemental that struck back at the group. But they were able to put it down in short order.   The pixie hit the downed ring master with a make shift water grenade which caused the ring master to lose his form turning into a halfling. While the ring master looked and sounded like Zadkeil in the end he was just a copy, though a very convincing copy.

Rewards Granted

  • 510 Bronze Coins
  • 110 Silver Coins
  • 290 Gold Coins
  • 3 tickets to the circus
  • 2 tickets to see the Fabous Snake Woman
  • 1 Heavy Mace that's been painted white

Missions/Quests Completed

The Forest Run
  • Befriend the beast
  • Track down the circus before nightfall

Enter the Circus
  • Discover its sinister secret
  • Survive the Clown Terror
  • Meet with the rebel

The Sting
  • Alter the Schedule (Optional)
  • "Negotiate" with the performers
  • Fool the Audience with your skills
  • Defeat the Ring Master before time runs out

Character(s) interacted with

  • Gregorio Cronaba
  • Many frightened defenseless snake warriors
  • Many Homesick villagers
  • Several joyless villagers that don't like circuses
  • Several elven circus employees
  • 1 satisfied snake woman
  • 1 distressed circus employee
  • 2 cheerfully dressed clowns
  • 1 malicious pixie rebel
  • 5 accomidating faux warriors
  • 1 unsuspecting ring master
  • 1 weeping water elemental
Report Date
15 Oct 2021


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