BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 6A: Voyage of the Marigold

General Summary

The Heroes

Emet-Selch {Vedalken Artificer}
Eralyse Sarrallon {Aasimar Paladin}
Jon Mastiff {Human Wizard}
Mala {Aarakocra Monk}
Mellow Leaf {Tabaxi Ranger}

Current Year:756

  The group successfully broke the spell over the carvnival and were presented with a strongbox. They were told that it contained things gathered by the imposter ringmaster and that he didn't want anything to do with it. He hoped that whatever was inside would be helpful to them. The strongbox only contained a large amount of assorted coins (300 pp worth in total). Then, after some time a monkey with a black furred body and white around the head approached the group. It motioned at them and then walked into an alleyway.
  In the alleyway the monkey was gone but they saw the familiar elven face of the druid that was Zewyn's contact.
  "Forgive me, I don't believe we have ever been propery introduced my name is Lucian, Lucian Patching. The council has finally come to a decision. Though the official vote will not be for another week, I wanted to give you a heads up and allow you time to prepare. We will be taking a ship to deal with the source of this accursed storm. While you need not worry about provisions, we will be travelling beyond the Realm Guardians and so I suggest converting your realm coins or giving them to someone for safe keeping until your return. Do you have any questions?"
  The group only had a few minor questions before the druid left to come back to retrieve them in a week. During that time Emet-Selch, Jon and Mala crafted half a dozen healing potions. Eralyse spent some time at the local temple helping out however she could and Mellow Leaf spoke with the local merchants to see if there were any magic items for sale.
  She was able to find a small assortment of items which the party decided were worth procuring.
  A week later the group found themselves meeting with Lucian in a wooded glade just outside of town. He asked that the group form a chain of linked hands and that no one should let go until he says to. He then pulled out an ornate staff that seemed to have a living vine growing out of it. He lifted the staff into the air and you can feel a pulse of energy. Then a green glow flowed from the staff onto Lucian and he began striding quickly towards the nearest tree. He vanished into the tree as the group was dragged along with him. They then found themselves in a completely different glade before he rapidly strode toward a different tree, again dragging the group with him into it. This continued for about 10 minutes. Until the group found itself deep in a dark forest. It felt as though they were being watched from every direction. The group stood before a large tree with black bark and translucent leaves.
  Lucian turned to the group.
  "One more hop and we'll be there. I've been given special permission to use this tree to reach our final destination. Please stay with me and it will be over quickly."
  When they stepped into this tree they found themselves inside of what appeared to be a very small cottage. Lucian threw open the front door and pulled the group along behind him. Beyond the door, there was a road made out of wood that seemed to extend forever to the left and right. There was a feeling as though they were deep underground, but looking up all that could be seen was an endless void. The door they were exiting was set into a stone wall. Lucian walked across the road to a similar door set in the opposite wall. Stepping into that door the group found themselves inside of what appeared to be a small cellar. Then suddenly they were stepping out of a black barked weeping willow. They appeared to be at the edge of a forest that looked out on a coastline. Resting in the water about 200 feet away they could see what appeared to be a giant sunflower seed.
  Lucian smiled and motions at it,
  "Ah good, the Marigold is already here. Wait here, I will be right back I'm going to let the warden know we are here."
  Lucian then transformed into a condor and flew off in the direction of the sunflower seed.
  While they were watching him fly off the group's attention was drawn to a shrieking sound. Behind, them was a matronly woman with skin made of dark wood and hair seemly formed from fine chains of leaves.
  "You do not belong here! Leave now before you suffer my wrath"
  The group spent a bit of time explaining to the seemingly angry dryad that they were there at the behest of the Silvershroud Druids. After a while, she relented and begrudgingly gave the group a magical candle before returning to her black barked willow tree. The very same tree the group stepped out of moments earlier.,
  After the encounter with the dryad, Lucian appears with a tall firbolg woman dressed in a light green robe.
  "This is Warden Hogbin."
  The firbolg smiled and said
  "Oh please, you can call me Octavia. We can set sail whenever you're ready. Unless you wish to continue to argue with the locals. The safety of the marigold, its crew, and its cargo are my responsibility. For this reason, I ask that certain parts of the ship remain off-limits. You are otherwise free to roam. Just refrain from interfering with the operation of the ship and allow the crew to perform their duties. "
  As the group got closer to the sunflower seed, they could see that the upper portion of the "seed" was an open frame and contained what more or less appeared to be the upper deck of a ship. Except that the entire vessel seemed to be shaped from a single piece. There were no visible seams anywhere. The crew was as unusual as the ship. A dozen or so small shrubs moved about the deck. With a single motion from the captain and a word the group recognized not, the shrubs began activating runes molded into various portions of the ship. Several leaf-like sails fanned out and the gaps became filled with what looked like semi-transparent bubbles. The captain then gave a brief tour of the ship letting the group know that they will reach their first stop in about 12 hours.
  During the initial voyage to the port town of Autumncrest, the group had a meal on the ship. The captain ate with them and the meal consisted of freshly picked fruit as well as freshly killed and cooked meat. Though there was no evidence of preparation. The food was simply brought in through a set of double doors on the upper cargo deck by several shrubs. Because of Mala's insistent questioning, the group learned that two escorts in form of giant sea turtles would be escorting the Marigold into the dangerous waters beyond the Realm Guardians.
  At around the time the ship was supposed to arrive at Autumncrest a chime began to sound throughout the ship and several shrubs ushered the group to the main deck. In the distance, the group could see one of the Realm Coin Guardian pillars. A 20-foot tall marble pillar with a golden dragon statue perched atop of it. With its front facing away from you. Its scales seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. Beyond the pillar, a familiar storm raged on, with its dark clouds and crimson lightning. Octavia then gave an order and the whole horizon seemed to rise. They then realized that it wasn't the horizon that was rising but rather the ship that was sinking. Predictably, the water seemed unable to penetrate the transparent domes and they soon find that the entire vessel had submerged. Below the waves, they saw what appeared to be a collection of giant mushrooms growing around the base of the marble column. As the ship drew closer the presence of windows carved into the sides of the mushrooms was soon apparent. As they approached a large window a shadow passed over the ship. Looking up they saw an enormous sea turtle swim by overhead. Octavia smiled and gestured at it. "Ah good, our escort has arrived. That means we will be able to get underway quickly." The ship then turned and pressed the upper deck against an open doorway in the mushroom and the sound of wet wood against dirt could be heard. The gangplank was lowered and Octavia addressed the group. "I have some business to attend, you are welcome to stay on the ship or enter the port. But we won't be here for very long. So be mindful of the time and make sure you're back here in an hour."
  She sighed "I don't want to have to send for you"
  The group felt there was no way they were going to pass up the opportunity to explore the undersea mushroom port that was Autumncrest and so they ventured in with Jon keeping track of the time mentally.
  The "port" looked to be built from a mixture of mushroom and coral. They soon found themselves in what appeared to be a marketplace. Most of the stalls were empty but what ones were open look to be run by animate shrubs. Other than themselves they saw a few aquatic elves and firbolgs. Some of them sat quietly at a table eating a small meal, while others did what little shopping appeared to be available. None of them seemed to be in a hurry. In fact, they looked to be doing whatever they could to pass the time more quickly. Most of the group realized that the "Customers" were in fact guards that may or may not have been off duty. Eralyse recognized by their attentiveness that they were actively guarding and were simply in plain clothes to blend in with any crowds of sailors that showed up. It seemed they were prepared to deal with rough "traders" that may show up swiftly and efficiently. Preferring to deal with threats first and to ask questions later.
  The group looked over the stalls and were able to find several interesting magical trinkets. However, when they went to purchase said trinkets they realized that the merchants here dealt in gems and pearls rather than coins of any sort. Thankfully several members had converted their money to gems allowing them to acquire the items of interest.
  The group returned to the ship in a timely manner and soon found themselves underway again. The seas became rough and stormy and yet the ship's sails seemed to be filled with a wind that had nothing to do with the weather.
  Some time after going to bed, the group was awoken in the middle of the night. A fierce storm raged outside with the long shadows of tree branches cast through the windows. Looking outside the window they saw a forest with two dozen glowing green eyes peering at them, while bright light flooded in from under the door. There was a scream and they saw Cassie Torbus cowering in one corner of the room shrinking away from the window.
  They questioned her and she let them know that she didn't know what was going on and that she had been in the room for as long as they had. Since she couldn't remember being in the room without them.
  Emet then threw open the door, which caused the room they were in to fade and the group found themselves in an underground tunnel. This also meant that the wall/window separating the group from the malicious green eyes was now gone and they charged. With another two dozen more behind them. Cassie screamed and collapsed in response. Eralyse gathered Cassie in her arms and literally flew down the hallway with wings sprouting from her back after a few steps. The rest of the group followed with Mellow Leaf and Mala using their bows to stem the approach of the horde allowing the others to move more freely. As the group moved the scene shifted around them transitioning from town to forest to cave without any rhyme or reason. Eventually, Eralyse found a way out through a tangled mass of vines. Upon her departure from the nightmare, the dream began to lose integrity and collapse. Attacking the horde threw the archers backward instead of dropping the foul creatures. Emet was the last one out of the dream, exiting just before it collapsed and enveloped him.
  Upon passing through the vines the group found themselves on the deck of the ship, exiting their bedroom. The storm from the dream seemed to be raging above and Cassie was gone. Through the transparent domes, the group could see devilish-looking creatures rising from the waves. They had dark green scales, glistening teeth, and sharp claws. The shrubs moved around the deck slowly as if under some kind of stupor. Even the giant turtles were similarly nonresponsive despite the sea devils tearing into them.
  Emmet, Jon, and Mellow Leaf were still in a daze from the dream and were unable to respond to the sight before them. Eralyse pounded on the captain's door to let her know what was happening while Mala flew to defend the turtles from the devils and their sharks.
  Stumbling out of her doorway Octavia placed her hand upon the ship and seemed to concentrate. Vines then sprouted from the ship latching on to Emmet, Jon, and Mellow Leaf. Color soon returned to their faces and they felt less tired from the ordeal, eventually recovering completely.
  The group was able to save the turtles from the attackers by killing them. Octavia assured the group that she would see about getting the turtles taken care of. She said that the dream they'd experienced was probably the result of one of the sea devil's shamans and that they were lucky that what they faced was only a raiding party and not a full warband.
  Having dealt with the threat, the group went back to sleep.

Rewards Granted

  • 600 pp
  • A Candle of the Deep

Missions/Quests Completed

Setting Sail
  • Discover the location of the Marigold
  • Negotiate access to the ship
  • Arrive at the Border Town of Autumncrest
  These are the Voyages (Part 1)
  • Escape the Dream Trap
  • Defend against the Saughin Raiders

Character(s) interacted with

  • Lucian Patching
  • Willoris
  • Octavia Hogbin
  • 30 very green crewmates of the Marigold
  • 12 Leaf loving shopkeepers
  • 24 completely normal "customers" you don't need to worry about
  • Sora
  • Mara
  • Cassie Torbus
  • 1,000 very cuddly creatures of the night
  • 2 bloodthirsty sahuagin fishermen
  • 2 bloodthirsty sahuagin shark pets
Report Date
09 Nov 2021


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