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Taka Crayrin

Race: Human Sex: Male Class: Commoner
  Description: He is dressed in a clean black cloak covering his clean studded leather. He wears his silver hair up. His green eyes are passionate and lively.
  Personality: Taka wants to be seen as a stoic, levelheaded, noble Commoner, so he tries to act the part. He does a good job, for the most part... He is however nostalgic and wants to reunite with his old comrades. He has some compunction and patriotism and will work for the government before all other clients.
  History: Born to a poor family in the city he treasured whatever gifts he got. From there he went from mercenary job to mercenary job. One night he noticed a nearby shooting star which he hiked out to see where it landed. It turned out to be an ancient artifact of some kind. He has done his darndest to repair it but it is currently non-functional.
  Motivation: He is wracked by social anxiety; and he feels threatened by others
  Ideals: Disciplined, Persistence. Flaws: Fearful. Bonds: Adventurer, Poor. Occupation: Tailor


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