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A guard dressed in full plate emblazoned with the De'Carley emblem Salutes.
Yeabohan at your service. I am the head of staff here at the Suncloud Stronghold.
— Yeabohan
  Description: He is an attractive man, lean and moderately muscular. When not on duty He typically wears white robes with leather pauldrons. When on duty he wears a uniform consisting of full plate emblazoned with the De'carly emblem. He prefers to carry a falchion, but if one is not available he will default to his shield. His hair is red and very short. His otherwise smooth face is marked with small tiny scars.

Personality: Aside from being a little slow due to sleep deprivation he is generally quite perceptive. He notices little details and can draw good conclusions from them. As long as the job gets done he does not care how it got done.

History: Born in a small village he learned the ways of the warrior from his mother. From his teen years he was always beautiful and desirable, so people have always doted on him. He spent several years traveling with his friend, before both settled down to enjoy the fruits of their adventures.

Motivation: unknown, seems to be loyal to the De'carly family

Ideals: Fighting, Professionalism.

Flaws: Insomniac.

Bonds: Adventurer, Attractive.

Occupation: Head of staff at the Suncloud Stronghold.



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