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Caravan of the Maiden

A semi-nomadic group of Selune-worshipping lycans who have seen better days.


Vana Siannodel (d) - Wearwolf. The village elder and high preistess. She was from Bewylndir over a hundred years ago. Had to leave because werewolf, found other like-minded individuals. And set off to find a new home, following the light of Selune, largely avoiding settlements. On their travels, misfortune upon misfortune befell them time and time again. Over time, she and her followers gave in to their animalistic urges, roaming the wilderness as lycanthropes.
Darma Naïlo (d) - Werehyena. An older female wood-elf from Bewylndir. She was the caravans main connection to the outside world. When really low on supplies she would travel out to nearby towns.
Hearthbrook Garfield - Werebear. Join Snow-ass looking half elf. The town muscle and an obedient soldier. Was extremely devoted to the High Preistess.
Petris Finkle - Wererat. An old man that joined the Caravan at a young age. He was brought from the streets of Vilvaxin by Darma after being chased out of town. Petris is basically old spiderman, except with rats instead of spiders.
Killij Worren - Werewolf. A young woman who wandered north after losing her family, and became lost. In 909 RF, she was found and taken in by the Caravan.
Pornthip Willow (d) - jacklewere. Consumed by Eri.
Xiloscent Mandark (d) - werebat
Gertude Hudlo (d) - werewolf
Wimp Qub (d) - wereboar
Jorb Lemon (d) - wererat Steve (d) - werewolf. Reportedly, "the worst of them all." Executed by Tem
"Werewolf 4" - werewolf. Most dog-like of them all. Likes to gnaw on a good bone.


Had a semi-perminent settlement called Moonstone.

At the time the Crack Rack 5 arrived in 915 RF, Moonstone was a very rundown village. Small cobblestone dwellings. Many seemingly abandoned, partially destroyed, and overgrown by nature. Vel had seen this place before, and thought it was abandoned, but here you several people appear to be living here.
A sort of central bonfire, has a few people around it. One woman turning a big spit with a large shawarma-looking piece of meat on it. Another woman sits on her doorstep crouched over a big tapestry that her appears to be knitting. Several horses graze near a wagon, and are being tended to by a bearded-guy.


The Caravan of the Maidan began as a group of like-minded nomadic individuals who worshipped Selune, and wished to live in her light instead of the garish lights of civilization. Vana Siannodel, a Lichen, particularly sought to give protection to others like her who were shunned by society, or those who became lost. It's unclear exactly what point, the Caravan took a dark turn, but over the years misfortune befell them. Selune's embrace seemed more distant the more they devoted themselves to it. Vana became been more insistent on staying away from towns, saying that "they need not be reliant on the masses, and that civilians wouldn’t understand our kind". That they'd "sell us out or outright try to kill us". Normally Darma would bring in supplies, but she and Vana were insistent that we don’t need it. In turn, they began having trouble sustaining themselves. Disillusionment turned to fanatical worship, sacrifices were made, and human boundries dissolved as Vana's followers gave in to their animalistic urges, roaming the wilderness as lycanthropes.


On the 20th of Lastil, in 915 RF, the Crack Rack 5 discovered received a vision from an old statue of Selune built by the Caravan. Petris Finkle oversaw this spectacle beleiving them to be prophets of Selune herself, and introduced them to Vana Sainnodel. After a tense conversation where they party revealed a potential divine message, the High Preistess invited them to stay the night. That night, she had their food poisoned, and devised a plan with the village heads to grind them up, and extract their essence into balms and oils, which they would use to personally interface with divinity.

This plan was thwarted as Vel awoke his sick companions that night. A fight broke out, as the Crack Rack 5 defended against the oncoming Carvan lichens. But when Brogg finished off Vana and Hearthbrook, it was the Caravan who found themselves on the defense. Killij Worren plead with Darma to end the fighting and give up, narrowly succeeding in her endeavour, only for Darma to be cut down by Vel, who insisted the job wasn't done. By the end, the only survivors of the Caravan of the Maidan was Killij Worren, Petris Finkle, and Werewolf 4.

Mythology & Lore

Legend (will be) fortold by Petris of the Prophets of Selune:
We open with spectral image of Selune rising above the statue. She is seen surrounded by three dark figures trying to fight them off. To which everyone but Brogg could see. Seeing a glowing statue, Broggs attention is caught as he and Eri see a vision of a supernova in the sky which rends the sky and earth below it. Eri is next to be ejected by the vision. Brogg continues to watch as he sees a first-person view falling to what he realizes is pre-Behemith Cape Nescius into a crevasse and the depths of Quoth. In a true feat of acting Brogg maintains connection with the statue, whatever it is, as it attempts to show him something great through its glowing eyes. However, when he looks, he sees nothing but void. The whole party sees one last image of who they later find to be Sehanine Moonbow screaming over the Vathyc Sea off the coast of Cape Nescius, causing an enormous geyser and ending the vision.

Tenets of Faith

In their early days, the Caravan sought to follow in Selune's footsteps, and help those that are lost find their way.
  The Caravan's tentants later revolved around the idea that the to receive the maidans blessing, they have to stay pure from the tainted influence of the masses, and thus avoid contact with civilization.

Granted Divine Powers

Seen as divine by the Caravan, worthy individuals would be allowed to receive Selune’s kiss if they vowed to walk in her light. This of course, is lichenthropy.
Dissolution Date
915 RF, 21st of Lastil
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Leader Title
Notable Members


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