33 Coda, 25QY
Quéteir is a planet filled with varying races, sometimes at war, other times at peace. It has vampires, wizards, witches, generic humans, mermaids and mermen, ogres, warlocks, sorcerers, covens, werewolves, zombies, and many more. It was inspired mostly by Middle-earth, the Harry Potter series, FX's American Horror Story, Pirates of the Caribbean, and several other varying derivative works. It consists of two major continents with several large islands, and its climatology completely breaks science's zones. Its tropics are not in the middle- rather the middle of the world is temperate and pleasant, and the tropics border it. Most laws of physics stay true to our universe, though conjuring and energy beams act accordingly. On the planet are several continents, the largest of which being
Ariandra, the theatre for battles between
the Honorable Republic of Therana and
the Cursèd Kingdom of Ravenblood, major nations of
wizards and
witches, respectively. These battles shape the history and face of the entire planet.