Caspian Ylladi

Caspian Ylladi (a.k.a. Fallen Archon)

The more things change, the more they stay the same.   At least, that's what Caspian thinks. Even in his youth, he remains forever struck by history. Grieving for what he hasn’t lost. Shedding tears without reason, having visions of a city on fire, beneath the waves.   Indeed, his youth was filled with such visions, such strong feelings. As much as this troubled him and his mother, he was attracted to it. He felt an immutable need to understand, to revere this aspect of his soul. He found himself wandering the shattered streets and crumbling architecture of Amphirai, searching for something intangible. He was keenly aware of the dangers, but he was more aware of the city, feeling this strange familiarity. He used this inexplicable sense of deja vu to navigate it with skill that would surprise most who would wander into the old Coral Capital. As he grew older, he would focus this energy into more than pure restlessness.. As much as he thought of the past, one had to keep moving forward, lest you fall. He found himself looking to his mother for guidance, and he inevitably decided to join her in worship of Mylaela, working at the temple in which he was born. Never quite losing his sense of exploration and curiosity, he merely gained a love and appreciation for helping the weak. It felt good, in a way that fought the melancholy and strife that plagued those dormant courtyards and forums. Later on, as he discovered the secrets that lay dormant beneath unreadable sheets of parchment and loss, he kept this feeling within himself. Mulling over its multifaceted nature. The more he learned, the more he realized who he was. Who he used to be. Every angle, a new identity. He realized that it was never in his nature to remain still, and let these objects of nature run their course. In all of his lives, this was constant. He understood that.   Someone had to stop this. For if not us, then who?

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Broad shoulders, with defined abs and triceps. Body of an experienced swimmer, with callouses on his fingers from farming. Big for an elf.

Body Features

He has a scar on his abdoment, just below his sternum. A white, almost faded scar. Given to him as a child by Sahaugin before he was found and healed.

Facial Features

Facial tattoos-- slightly darker than his own skin tone are also on his face. Symbolic of his marriage with Serafimos; the patterns imitate coral and kelp growths. Defined in such a manner to be read as their commitment made visual.   Golden hoop earings adorn his face, liberated from a sunken wreck of a merchant ship.

Identifying Characteristics

His joyous laugh-- like a dolphin moreso than a man. His armor rarely leaves his side, nor his robes and vestments. Wears his heart on his chest, he does. 1. Big shark toothed grin, without any of the ill intent. A big wide smile, reaching his eyes with a delight that is very infectious.

Physical quirks

Nearly always asks questions about things he doesn't know. His curiousity is common amongst aquatic folk, but he seems especially interested. Naiive in his interests for sure.

Apparel & Accessories

His attire is fairly greco-roman in design. His robes are silken and very diaphanous, with them revealing most of his physical form, aside from private areas. Regal and comforting, while being ornamental and careful in its construction. His armor follows that same greco-roman tradition, being modeled after a Hoplite. It’s made of pearl, with enchanted (non-rusting) bronze inlay, and ceremonial imagery of Mylaela and Hippocampi. It’s a strange combination of ceremonial attire, and war-like construction. It’s beautiful, yet seems exact in its construction– like a uniform. His helmet is physically similar to a Corinthian Helmet, and the armor is fairly light on him– designed to protect yet not limit mobility.

Aquatic Elf peasant turned Paladin, seeking his destiny and hoping to make a bunch of friends in the process.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
24 years old
Date of Birth
25th of SIX MONTH, Year of our lady, XXXX
Tylis, Cerulean Sea
Current Residence
The Wicked Wind
Black, with turqoise swirls
Dark aquatic blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark blue with white stripes and patches
212 lbs


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