
Chase (a.k.a. Shadow prince)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Chase has a tall, slight build.

Body Features

Chase has tan skin and freckles across his shoulders. He has minmal scarring as his profession lies in sneaking around and not getting caught.

Facial Features

Chase has heterochromia, his right eye is grey and his left is a blue-green. He has a diamond face shape and also has freckles along his cheeks and nose.

Identifying Characteristics

Heterochromia, dark auburn shoulder length hair, freckles

Physical quirks

Chase has an uncanny habit of staying very still and letting himself blend into the background, when sitting the most movement he'll do is taping his foot softly in a unknown rythym. When he talks he uses a lot of hand gestures.

Special abilities

Shadow Ambush: You can teleport up to a number of feet equal to 10 times your Proficiency Bonus as a bonus action. You then have advantage on the next attack you make until the end of your turn. You can use it a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier each time you roll initiative.   Unknowable As an action, which can be taken as a part of your attack action, you can mark a creature you touch. The marked creature must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier). On a failed save, the target ceases to be able to comprehend your existence for 1 minute, or until you attack it or otherwise use a harmful effect against it. For the duration, the target cannot target you with any abilities (you can still be caught in AoE intended for others, however), and you are effectively hidden from it.   You may use this ability once, and regain your expended use upon completing a short or long rest.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears mainly loose clothing in warm tones apart from a purple headband. Appears to have a slight pirate aesthetic?

Specialized Equipment

Chase specializes in stealth and slieght of hand, he also has a knack for history.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Chase is nonbinary and uses he/they pronouns.


Chase is romantically and sexually attracted to men and other people on the nonbinary spectrum.


Chase recieved a higher education with a focus in history and law.


Technically unemployed?

Failures & Embarrassments

getting ambushed and kidnapped by a cult.

Mental Trauma

  • His mother passing away as a young child and the effects of it on his father.
  • Morality & Philosophy

    “We are in this shit world trying to survive our own lives, I don’t need to make someone else’s life worse. Unless they give me a reason. ‘Treat others the way they treat you’ or however the saying goes.”

    Personality Characteristics


    Chase is someone who knows the rules of society and thinks they are absurd and enjoys exploiting them. He rides the loopholes at a break-neck speed it can be difficult for some to keep up. However, this fits his nomadic lifestyle of trading skills for goods (even if those skills are just stealing things for trading). Since leaving his family home for some ‘differences in POV’ Chase spends his time surviving out of spite and to have fun fucking with others. Chase focuses on their survival while not trying to trample over others to get ahead...usually

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • History
  • Law
  • Lying
  •   Ineptitudes:
  • Communication
  • Vulneralbility
  • Likes & Dislikes

  • spicy things
  • cold weather
  • playing card games
  • stealing
  • jokes, any jokes
  •     Dislikes:
    • talking about himself
    • being vulnerable in front of others
    • crying
    • his family being in danger
    • hot weather
    • seafood

    Virtues & Personality perks

    • surprisingly loyal
    • patient
    • can be strangely understanding

    Vices & Personality flaws

    • flexible morality
    • impulsive liar

    Personality Quirks

    • talks fast and softly so can be hard to understand at first
    • uses his hands when speaking, his whole body to be honest
    • eyes never focus on one thing for too long unless it's something that can hold his attention.


    Chase keeps himself as clean as he can, doesn't mind dirt and grime too much and can ignore it if neccesary but will need to clean himself up by the end of the day.


    Family Ties

    Isabella - Mother   Fergus - Father   Aislinn - Younger Sister   Domenico - Younger Brother

    Religious Views

    He's aware that the gods are real but doesn't care to follow any god in particular.

    Quiet Rogue from Western Iosus, here to collect information and steal.

    View Character Profile
    Chaotic Neutral
    Current Residence
    Blue-green & Grey
    Dark Auburn
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Known Languages
  • Abyssal
  • Common
  • Elvish
  • Thieves’ Cant

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