
The Reborn Lord

Demdros was once mortal, but in his life he turned his back on the gods, and lived an evil life. For this life he was cast into the Abyss and was warped into a Demon.

One day an adventurer summoned his soul back to his body, although as nothing more than as a decaying Zombie. In time though he was given more power and eventually independence. Being by the side of the good hearted mage, that summoned him, he was shown a new way of living. Through this un-life he was forever changed, in a sense he was born again. In his un-life he sought to never go back to the Abyss, and although at times it calls to him still, he stands as a testament to will power and what the good nature of others can do.

During The Age of The Bridge Pact he traveled much of the world. Tales say he fought to save strangers on the roads, he learned of Elven magics, and even meditated with Dragons in their sacred castle in the sky. Through his meditations, and learning of deep magics, he ascended to godhood. For many centuries he remained a barely known figure, until The Age of Arcanum. During the first decades of this Age he rose in popularity and became an Intermediate Deity. After the fall of The Lost Empire his following shrank significantly, although he remains as a well known deity.

Divine Domains

Death, Renewal, Mentalism

Tenets of Faith

  • Resurrect those whose life has passed before their time. For all deserve the chance at a fulfilling life.
  • Do not use the souls of others without permission.
  • Learn the deep magics of life so you may better bring back the dead.
  • Restore and keep the things of old, for they can teach you much.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Neutral Good


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